STORY ALERT (The Early Mission)

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**UPDATE: I have made a separate book for this story. This was the plan for that story, and it was written before that book was created.**

Update update: pls go to the TEM book, as I don't post new updates in this book anymore

The following chapter is going to be the first chapter of a longer story. I've written this one chapter and I'm going to post it, but I need to say this first.
There will be more chapters following it, and if I write them, I'm gonna be writing them in this book (instead of a separate book). The reason for that is:

1. I've never been able to finish a book. So if I am unable to finish this, at least it will stay in this book as an "unfinished idea".

2. If I don't finish this story, at least I won't have people coming after me for abandoning the story because I didn't promise to finish it in the first place. (In other words, I'm making sure that If I have to abandon this story, I am able to do do and still get away with it, XD )

So here is the idea for the story.
This story is meant to have at least 16 chapters, plus maybe one more chapter for the ending.
There are 8 main characters: Swift, Penny, Rod, Brody, Baddy, Betty, Chomps and Rocco. (A.k.a, team Top Wing and team Bad Wings). There will be a chapter for each of these characters, written in their point of view.
In between each of these "character" chapters will be an in-between chapter, written in third person point of view / no one's point of view. These chapters will focus on the in-between events and will (most likely) be shorter than the character chapters.

So it's gonna be like;

Chapter 1: cadet 1's point of view
Chapter 2: third person point of view
Chapter 3: bad wing 1's point of view
Chapter 4: third person point of view
Chapter 5: cadet 2's point of view
Chapter 6: third person point of view
Chapter 7: bad wing 2's point of view
And so on...

(I hope you're able to understand this.)

If I'm able to finish the story, (that would be a huuuge achievement) I definitely would copy paste the story to a separate book, after cleaning up any useless "Author's note"s.
I'm not that confident in this story ok?
I'm gonna name this story "The Early Mission" and I may or may not change it. Since I'm writing the story in this book along with all of my other ideas and one-shots, I'm going to write the story name in each of this story's chapters so you can tell them apart. The chapter names should be like:
"The Early Mission, Chapter #: (chapter name) -(character name)"
And it's gonna be written in the character-in-the-title's point of view. For the in-between chapters, I shall write:
"The Early Mission, Chapter #: (chapter name)"

If you still don't get it, or if you don't understand what's going on in the story after you've read it, well... pardon me, english is not my native language.

Update: I cannot write in third person POV, so I'm writing the third person POV chapters in first person POV as well. I also may not write the chapters in the exact order that I mentioned.

And after all that warning, I shall post the actual chapter.

(Go to the next chapter.) (UPDATE: or the actual book)

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