Episode 6

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"Big announcement!" Kamiya yelled while Akira sat besides Ren sleeping and Hikaru was on her phone playing game through text with Junko. "I've got a hook-up party!" Kamiya yelled making everyone in the room yelp in happiness besides of course Ichimura, Honjo, Ren and not so surprisingly Yamato.

While Kamiya showed which girls were going he put a poster saying 'Akira and Hikaru also their friends!' When Akira and Hikaru heard that the two girls stood up straight with Ren behind Akira and an angrily looking Yamato.

"When did we agree?" Hikaru asked while Kamiya scratched the back of his head nervously saying "Ah....I asked Tomoka to see if the other girls wanted to come and they said yes if you came" Akira sighed sitting on Ren's lap while mumbling "I'm only going if Ren is going".

Hikaru looked at Akira slightly mad before sitting down and saying "Fine I'll go but the only person I'll go as a date with is Yamato" both Ren and Akira smirked as the whole class turned to see the reaction of Yamato.

He was staring at Hikaru surprised with his cheeks stained with red from blushing. Yamato coughed awkwardly before nodding "then I guess I have my date" he said loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Everyone's heads turned to Hikaru who looked at the now Yamato who was looking away from her. Hikaru blushed nodding slightly as she smiled. Akira and Ren looked at each other fist bumping.

"Step one down" Ren and Akira said at the same time softly laughing but when really they were laughing loudly making everyone in the class stare at them weirdly. The couple stopped and looked at everyone before laughing normally.

"I'm kinda glad two weird people are together" Honjo whispered to Ichimura who was nodding in agreement. "What about you Satoru?" Kamiya asked. "Ah, I'll pass" Satoru said smiling.

Everyone in the class yelled "Eh?!" Even the two girls who looked at Satoru surprised. "What's wrong, Satoru?" Hikaru asked as everyone crowded around Satoru with Hikaru and Akira standing right besides him so his trapped.

Before he could even answer Yankumi entered the room saying good morning making all the boys turn to her well besides the two girls who were staring at each other intensely. "Chinami?" Hikaru mouthed to Akira who shrugged since Chinami didn't really talk to the two girls about her love life.

When Yankumi asked what they were about Yamato said it was nothing while Hikaru and Akira both said "Group dare" immediately the boys turned to the girls feeling betrayed of them telling Yankumi.

The two girls just shrugged before sitting down on their chairs like it was nothing while Yankumi said that they should ask her about love if they needed to. Akira and Hikaru both said nothing not really wanting to embarrass themselves in front of their crush/boyfriend.


Satoru was running past a few boxes and when he was a few feet away Honjo and Ichimura popped out of the boxes while Kamiya turned around kneeling with with the box covering his whole back half. Hikaru was in the same box as Yamato with Yamato standing behind her and his arms wrapped around her waist.

Akira was now standing inside a brush with leaves all in her hair and shoulders since she was squatting down to hide in the bush. Ren was standing behind the A cardboard that was pictured as boxes.

"Where is he going?" Yamato asked slightly gripping Hikaru's waist while the others answered "Dunno" Akira and Hikaru shrugging really not knowing where he was heading to.

When they all tried to follow after Satoru, Kamiya fell on his side making Satoru turn around and immediately everyone hid in their places. Hikaru facing Yamato with her hands against his shoulder as they were an centimeters from kissing. 

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