Welcome to my life

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Today was like any other day I get up take a shower eat breakfast and get ready for college class. It became a routine for me doing the same stuff over and over again at first I didn't mind it but now....it seems meaningless life was pointless to me with nothing to offer but my full attention.

BZzzz!!! Bzzzz!!!

Male Reader POV - Groaning I hear a loud disruptive noise slowing opening my eyes moving my hand out of the blanket. The sudden feeling of my arm leaving the cotton fabric gave me chills as I hit the alarm clock off nearly pushing it off the dresser.

Male Reader - God I hate that alarm why can't I just sleep in for once?

Male Reader POV - Rolling my eyes I pull the covers down swinging my legs beside the bed getting up as I began to stretch. "Well here goes another boring day just like every other day" I thought to myself frowning slightly.

Male Reader POV - Looking in the mirror my eyes were dark almost like a black color their was no spark no joy or happiness thinking to myself "when was the last time I've smiled" pressing my hand to my forhead I closed my eyes trying to think of any memory of happiness but to no valid suddenly my heart got heavy...



"Their was screaming and the sound of shattered glass"

Male Reader POV - I opened my eyes seeing the mirror was completely broken feeling my hand got suddenly warm.....looking down not to my surprise their was crimson red blood dripping from my knuckles down onto the tile bathroom floor making a pool of red. Brining my hand up to my chest I began to laugh alittle a unsettling aura starts to form around me...

Male Reader - How many times is this now? "chuckles" good thing I'm alone in this apartment..

As I have been for over a decade alone and lost something that I was used to...

"Welcome to my life"

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