Big Surpise

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Mr. Landers POV - Me and (Y/N) walked around the store seeing him look around smiling.

Male Reader - What will we be getting today? *smiles*

Mr. Landers - Why don't we get some paint for the rooms and the outside of the house

Male Reader - Ok

Mr. Landers POV - This feeling of me and (Y/N) being here was nice fixing up the house was the only thing I looked forward to this summer as silly as it sounds. We made our way down one of the Iles as (Y/N) ran over to the color swatches overjoyed. It brought a smile to my face knowing how easily it was for him to get excited and interested.

Male Reader - So many beautiful colors!!

Mr. Landers - Now (Y/N) we aren't choosing any colors I came here to get the paint color we need to touch the rooms and the outside up

Male Reader - awww *pouts* ok

Mr. Landers POV - The way he pouted made me laugh to myself it truly felt comforting when he was with me made my heart feel complete...I thought for a moment imagine if I've made another room where it had it's own bed dressers TV....(Y/N) could pick the color.....I could buy him clothes *blushes* he could live with me....then my train of thought broke as he called to me

Male Reader - Mr. Landers look at that swatch!

Mr. Landers - Hm?

Mr. Landers POV - I walked over where he pointed slowly grabbing it giving a puzzled look but smiled.

Mr. Landers - You like this color?

Male Reader - Yes!! *giggles* it's so pretty can I keep the swatch? Is it ok?

Mr. Landers POV - He wanted to keep it? Did he like the color that much?

Mr. Landers - You really like this color?

Male Reader - Mhm!

Mr. Landers POV - I looked at it more it appeared to be an orange Creamsicle color the name was called "Orange Yogurt" and the number was "NEKB - 10" I handed to (Y/N) before ruffling his hair.

Mr. Landers - Yes you can get it *smiles*

Male Reader - Thankyou Sir! I'm going to put it with Sushi stuffy animal when we get back

Mr. Landers - Alright sweetie *smiles more*

Mr. Landers POV - I thought for a moment before patting his shoulder nudging him.

Mr. Landers - Why don't you go look for some flower pots while I order the paint?

Male Reader - Oh that will be fun!

Mr. Landers - Do you know where the Garden Center is?

Male Reader - Yes sir!

Mr. Landers POV - I laughed alittle as he walked off to the garden center looking over I grabbed another copy of the same swatch that (Y/N) picked out looking over seeing he was fully gone before ordering the paint.

(Y/N) I'm going to make you a room I know you live in Wonderworld but you need a second home......I love when you stay with me you make my home complete....

Mr. Landers - After I ordered the paint I pulled my phone out of my pocket...I needed to call Balan and come up with a good lie for him to have a second home...I love (Y/N) but he can't know that this was more for my own selfish a way it seemed I was taking (Y/N) away from Balan part of the reason I'm saying a second home...

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