Mr. Landers feelings

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Mr. Landers POV - I walked back to the Kitchen sitting down looking over seeing (Y/N) begin to fall asleep.

Natalie - Mr. Landers thankyou for taking care of (Y/N) not just with the seizures.. but when he went back to school

Conner - Yeah we really appreciated it

Mr. Landers - It's no trouble at all

Drew - .....

Natalie - Drew what's wrong?

Drew - .....I've been thinking about something

Mr. Landers - Hm?

Drew -'re really nice to (Y/N) all the time...can I ask you something? you love (Y/N)?

Mr. Landers POV- My eyes went wide as my chest tighten not believing someone would ask me such a thing.

Mr. Landers - W-what?

Natalie - *frowns* is this true?

Mr. Landers POV - My heart couldn't deny it any longer the desire to protect (Y/N) the desire to hold and spoil him...I began speaking softly looking down.

Mr. Landers - .....Yes I...I love him *whispers*

Mr. Landers POV - I heard everyone gasp as I placed my hand on my head frowing.

Natalie - S-sir!

Conner - Mr. Landers....(Y/N) is already taken... he has someone who he loves his names Balan

Mr. Landers POV - I held my head tighter as a single ran down my eye rolling down my cheek.

Mr. Landers - ....I know already

Natalie - Y-you knew?! Does (Y/N) know this?!

Mr. Landers - No....I want to keep it that way *tears*

Drew - Why!? Why put yourself through this!? Did you...did you act on these feelings!?

Mr. Landers - ....I haven't because he's with someone already...*sniffles*

Conner - *frowns* Sir....He's not the type to lead anyone on

Mr. Landers - I know that his heart is pure its just his personality he is to friendly and loves making poeple smile... he's naive when it comes to someone liking him...His kindness kills me *tears*

Drew - You have to tell (Y/N) !!

Mr. Landers - ....I can't .....I just can't

Natalie - Mr. Landers... we won't say anything out of respect for you but what will you do ... you can't keep going on like this it's killing you inside!

Mr. Landers - I....I just want to make him happy even if his heart doesn't belong to me least that much gives me something...I can't let him go

Drew - Sir... *whispers*.....

Conner - *crosses arms* ....if you aren't acting on those feelings I guess it's fine don't have to necessarily tell (Y/N) this since it's not effecting him but...are you sure you want to keep doing this?

Mr. Landers - *tears* I'd take any amount of love I can get

Drew - But why? *frowns* why would you want to invest time into something that can't happen?

Mr. Landers - ...because it's the most I've ever been on being happy...

Natalie - Sir ... you'll find someone who will share their heart with you it doesn't have to be like this!

Mr. Landers POV - I gave a sad smile looking over seeing (Y/N) cuddled in the blanket with his stuffed animal his face was slight pink as he snored softly.

Mr. Landers - The thing is....I don't want to find anyone else ...he's the only one I want and I'll be satisfied with this...

Conner - Mr. Landers *frowns*

Drew - ....*frowns*

Natalie - ....

Mr. Landers - Will you allow me to continue seeing (Y/N)? ...

Mr. Landers POV - My heart was beating fast as they all looked at eachother feeling myself go pale as they looked back at me.

Conner - We will let you continue seeing (Y/N) you said you haven't been acting on your feelings..

Natalie - He's been happy so far and you haven't been making things difficult for him when he's already with Balan...

Drew - Please ...just don't take advantage of his heart you said he can be naive...we all know he's to sweet to understand what's going on sometimes....Mr. Landers..... we all trust you

Mr. Landers POV - My eyes began to tear up again hearing everyone's response as I nodded my head grateful for their understandment.

Natalie - We won't tell Balan or (Y/N) we promise

Mr. Landers - T-thankyou ....

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