Sweet And Salty

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Male Reader POV - I was sitting on top of the desk looking down as Mr. Stonefield was standing across of me with his arms crossed.

Mr. Stonefield - (Y/N).....

Male Reader - *sniffles*......

Mr. Stonefield - Mr. Landers should be coming soon we need to talk about this ok?

Male Reader - *Tears* Y-yes sir

Mr. Stonefield POV - I saw how (Y/N) was acting shaking life a leaf causing me to frown more. Walking towards him I gently rubbed his back causing him to flinch alittle this completely broke my heart as my hand made it's way gently moving up and down his back. Then I smiled getting an idea something that might help (Y/N) keep his mind off this situation.

Mr. Stonefield - Would you like to help me get some tea set up in the teachers lounge *smiles*

Male Reader - .....*tears*

Mr. Stonefield POV - He wasn't answering me slowly I took my hand rubbing the top of (Y/N) head moving down his neck rubbing in circles as he began to get less tense.

Mr. Stonefield - We can get some cheese and crackers set up to *smiles*

Mr. Stonefield POV - I saw he was still shaking not saying anything his face still pale. Concerned I pulled (Y/N) into a hug rubbing his back holding the back of his head in my chest speaking softly.

Mr. Stonefield - Do you have a favorite kind of cheese?

Male Reader POV - I felt Mr. Stonefield rub my back speaking to me in a soft tone my face began to get color as my shaking calmed down. He's never been this comforting before I remember him saying I've changed him but perhaps it was just guilt and he tried to make up for it now. Still he found out about my secret and is still close to me....I slowly spoke resting my head more on his chest keeping my eyes glued to the floor.

Male Reader - I-I like sharp cheddar the most sir...*sniffles*

Mr. Stonefield - *smiles* I believe we have some why don't we go and set things up?

Male Reader - ......

Mr. Stonefield - ...Hey look at me

Male Reader POV - Slowly I looked up my eyes red and puffy as he gently rubbed them.

Mr. Stonefield - Everything's going to be ok

Male Reader - S-sir...why?

Mr. Stonefield - Hm?

Male Reader - Why are you being so nice to me?...I thought you'd want to hurt me after finding out what's going on?...I thought you'd want me dead...just like my parents....people killed them for the same reason *sniffles*

Male Reader POV - My eyes went wide seeing a horrid reaction on Mr. Stonefields face before it turned to anger causing me to move back alittle terrified.

Mr. Stonefield - D-don't speak like that to me ever again!!

Male Reader - I-I.....

Male Reader POV - I saw he pulled away from me still angry causing me to gulp.

Mr. Stonefield - I'll get the stuff myself and come get you afterwards understand?

Male Reader POV - The anger in his tone was something I've never heard before looking down I felt guilt hit me feeling his angry gaze pierce through. I nodded my head before he left the room slamming the door behind him causing me to jump.


Mr. Stonefield POV - I was in the teachers lounge setting up 3 cups of tea putting a coaster underneath each one my body was shaking at what (Y/N) said.

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