Drifting Apart

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Male Reader POV - I saw Balan cross his arms not saying anything.

Conner - We should go...

Male - Huh?

Conner - He doesn't seem to care about you anymore it just seems like he's being obsessive

Male Reader - But I love Balan and Fluffy I don't want to leave them

Conner - (Y/N) This isn't good for you

Male Reader POV - I gently tugged on Balans arm but he back up looking away. Tears instantly streamed down my face he didn't love me anymore......he's letting me go... I looked down tears falling in the grass before turning heading back to the train getting inside.

Conner - Wow Balan you're awful... you claim you loved him but you are willing to let him go you just proved my point....

Conner POV - I looked at him with disgust balling my fists before heading off on the train I turned around and spoke one last time to Balan.

Conner - You know you claimed to be magical and open hearts you want to send people off with a smile but look what you did you broke someone you gave someone hope and love then took it all away....you truly are heartless

Balan - .....

Conner POV - I saw a single tear run down Balans face looking down I felt guilty but he was willing to just let (Y/N) go I turned back around the train began to close

Balan POV - Tears ran down my face as the train began to take off I couldn't move my feet or think all I could do was stand there frozen.


Conner - I'm so sorry (Y/N)

Male Reader  - ......

Conner POV - I saw he was curled in a ball leaning against the window not saying anything his eye was still black but his head seemed better. I looked away guilty I've should have just brought him straight back here now he's broken....he lost Fluffy,Balan Wonderworld..... he was truly lost

Male Reader - ...I just want to go back to my apartment and sleep....

Conner - Why don't we clean it up make it look nice it might cheer you up

Male Reader - I like how my apartment is already .... but thankyou

Conner - Oh...

Male Reader - Didn't you say you were leaving in a few days anyways?

Conner - Huh?

Male Reader - You were saying before you could only watch me in the city a few times

Conner - Yeah ... I'm sorry

Male Reader - it's ok... I'm used to being depressed

Conner POV - Pain jabbed me through the chest this wasn't right he lost everything and now I can't even be their for him what kind of friend was I to him!?

Male Reader POV - I leaned up against the window more closing my eyes listening to the train tracks waiting to get back home.


Balan POV - I walked back to the castle tears running down my face as fluffy and the other tims followed behind ignoring them I got inside slowly shutting the door as they were outside  making my way upstairs. Once I got in the bedroom I sat on (Y/N) side of the bed looking at the closet full of clothes sobbing softly. "God what have I done what has happend to me" I remembered first meeting him we fell in love things were perfect I don't know what happend ever since Lance showed up something stirred inside me he made me become so protective it just got worse....I looked in the drawer and saw both of our notes together holding it tightly to my chest...I've needed to fix things I'm not about to let (Y/N) go I wouldn't allow it.

Male Reader POV - I began to wake up hearing Conner call for me.

Conner - Hey we're back

Male Reader - *frowns* Ok

Male Reader POV - I saw him get up as I got up from my seat following behind holding my bag over my shoulder. Once we got off the train I began to walk away from Conner.

Conner - H-hey where are you going?

Male Reader - Home.....

Male Reader POV - I kept walking noticing he was following behind me sighing heavily.

Conner - Hey why don't you show me around your apartment?

Male Reader - .....

Conner POV - I frowned he wasn't answering me but didn't decline either I took that as a sign to keep following. We kept walking with eachother side by side staying silent.

Balan POV - I snapped my fingers opening the box taking out (Y/N) contract followed by mine unrolling both of them going through each part comparing. "Their has to be something here" I kept scanning both scrolls until I noticed a torn edge on his my eyes raised concerned but soon turned into fear as I've noticed the corner of the piece of paper began to disappear "W-what?!" Before I knew it the whole paper began to crumble leaving nothing but dust in-between my fingers Tears formed in my eyes "what happend?"


Conner POV - I was sitting on the edge of (Y/N) bed waiting for him to get changed in the bathroom looking around the walls were chipped no color to them the floor was dusty even the beds springs were missing it was truly different from the room he had in Wonderworld with Balan. I frowned at the thought of his happiness being taken away like that looking down he soon came out with different clothes on they weren't nice though they had holes in them and looked scruffy.

Conner - Hey why don't we wash the other ones *smile*

Male Reader - I threw them away

Conner - What why?!

Male Reader - *shrugs* I didn't want them

Conner - ....ok *frowns*... how's your eye?

Male Reader - it's ok I guess still hurts

Conner - will you be going to school tomorrow?

Male Reader - Yeah I have to study for my test it's 35% of my grade Mr. Landers was kind enough to give me a chance since I missed it the first time...

Conner POV - My chest tighten in pain hearing the tone in his voice he sounded broken beyond repair.....

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