Bus Ride

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Male Reader POV - Once we got outside my eyes went wide in suprisment this wasn't a regular school bus it looked big and fancy. I scratched the side of my head confused as Drew and James looked at me.

Drew - Is this the bus we are taking

James - Why isn't it a regular bus?

Male Reader - hmm...

Male Reader POV - We kept in a line following Mr. Landers as we began to step inside the bus my eyes instantly went wide.

Male Reader - It looks so comfy!

Drew - This is bigger than our regular busses

James - It seems somewhat fancy

Male Reader POV - We all sat down in a seat as I began to giggle. Drew and James sat next to me while Mr. Landers sat across from me with the other students.

Mr. Landers - My someone's happy *smiles*

Male Reader - *giggles* Sir how come we didn't take a regular bus?

Mr. Landers - Since this is your first Field trip in college it's only natural to be confused

Male Reader - Huh?

Mr. Landers - These buses are specifically for field trips

Male Reader - Ohhh how come?

Mr. Landers - It's to ensure we have enough busses for other classes that are still going on *arms crossed* sometimes going on a field trip takes 2 or 3 busses depending on what classes go

Male Reader - Oh ok I get it now *smiles*

Drew - That makes more sense *nods*

James - Has this always been a thing?

Mr. Landers - No only when it started to become a problem

Male Reader POV - I scooted back in my seat more sighing in content holding my bag close to me.

Mr.Landers - (Y/N) can I ask you something if you don't mind?

Male Reader - Yes sir?

Mr.Landers - *frowns* Is your head ok?

James - Oh yeah I forgot about that seizure you've had that was pretty bad...

Drew - It looked very painful I'm glad Mr. Landers was there to make sure you were alright

Male Reader POV - I completely forgot about my seizure and surgery as I placed my hand behind my head.

Male Reader - I think I'm ok their's no pain and I've never gotten another seizure since then I can't see my head so I'm not sure how it's healing

Mr. Landers - Here turn around please

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head as I turned around feeling his hands gently moving around in my hair

Male Reader - That tickles!

Male Reader POV - I heard him chuckle as he kept moving his fingers around.

Drew - No stitches?

James - didn't he have surgery?

Mr. Landers - They were probably dissolved stitches...I do see a scar though but it's small

Male Reader - Is it the hole where they used the machine?

Mr. Landers - It looks like it but they did a good job to damage as little as they could on your skin

Male Reader POV - I turned back around in my seat sighing in relief that's good

Mr. Landers - Your seizure scared me half to death you know that right?....I thought I lost you

Male Reader - *frowns* I promise not to go back in the program...

James - That was really ridiculous of Mr. Stonefield giving you all that work to complete in one day

Drew - (Y/N) please listen to us from now on ok?

Male Reader - I will I'm sorry *sniffles*

Male Reader POV - Mr. Landers leaned forward rubbing my eyes hushing me.

Mr. Landers - Hey no tears today is supposed to be a good day understand me?

Male Reader - *smiles*....Yes sir *sniffles*

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