Mystery (Chapter 4)

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Belle's POV

It all happened so fast, one moment Drake was on me snarling the next moment, he was thrown against the wall, he groaned.

Mystery boy was growling warningly at him but Drake wouldn't get the message.

They threw themselves at each other, the fight was intense but it was clear who was winning.

Mystery beat Drake horribly that even I feared for his life, he had bruises on his face and entire body.

At one point he passed out but M wouldn't let him be so I decided to step into the matter before something drastic happened.

I raced over to the and used my body to block his view of Drake but he snarled viciously and said,"Move aside"

"NO, you've done enough damage"

But he chuckled darkly and said,"oh I haven't even begin to do enough damage, now move aside "

"No because if I move you're gonna kill him"

"He deserves it for what he did to you"

"I know but let the authorities handle him, I don't want you to go to jail because of someone like him plus I think he's had enough, I don't know if he can handle anymore"

"Please just let him go"

"Not before I call my pac- police"

"Thank yo-"

"And take my jacket, you're underdressed"

When I looked down at myself, I blushed and took the jacket and wore it on my body.

After the police arrived, although they looked strange.

After that he starting dragging me to the exit.

"Why are you dragging me"

"Don't you need a new change of clothes or have you forgotten about your little 'problem' "

"OH " then I blushed and grumbled,"of course not"

"Then stop resisting me and let's go, I know a place"

He dragged me to a thrift store and I just blatantly stared at him.

"There's no way I'm going in there"

"What do you mean, does it smell bad?"

"How do you expect me to go in a place like that, I have higher class"

"Oh, ohhhhhhhh that's your problem, then let's go"

"Are we going somewhere else"

"No I'm taking you home, you can then explain to your parents why you're wearing my jacket, I'm sure they're gonna love to hear it"

He then continued to drag me but by then I was already frozen solid with fear and didn't move an inch.

"What now ?
You're not following me, I thought you're not gonna enter that store, come on let's go"

But I screeched,"Nooooooooooo, I'll go to the store, any place but home right now" I pleaded

He smirked and said," I thought this place's to good for you" he said in a baby voice

"Shut up, now let's go"

I dragged him into the store.

"Now let's find something for you to wear"

"How about this"

"Isn't that a little to much"

I glared at him and he raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Fine, anything you want"

Then I beamed at him and he blushed and looked away.

"Let me go pay for this while you get changed"

After he left, I went into one of the stalls to change and call me impressed, the shirt was fit and comfortable, the hands were strapless and ash in colour, to top it all off with black ripped jeans.

Once I deemed myself ready, I stepped out and asked,"how do I look ?"

He was shocked and I'm sure his jaw dropped then I snickered

"Close your mouth else you catch flies"

He quickly composed himself and said,"You look good"

And I laughed and said,"I just look GOOD, you were drooling over me just a minute ago"

The tips of his ears turned red in embarrassment and he grumbled,"shut up"

Then I cooed at him and he further flushed, one of the staff pointed at is and said, "Aren't they a cute couple" and I almost gagged but the boy snickered and said,"Yeah aren't we ?"

"Shut up"

Then he said in a goofy voice,"come Madam your chariot awaits "

I almost punched him but thought better of it and left.

He escorted me to the back of my house then hugged me and said,"I'll miss you spitfire"

"Miss you brave knight"

Then he said in a ridiculous voice,"Till we meet again fair lady"

Before he left I kissed him on the cheek and before he had anytime to react I ran ,laughed and climbed the tree by my window in the backyard and used it to enter the house and whispered before entering,"Bye Bye Mystery."

Upon entering, I saw my Dad on my bed and he was noooot happy.

Hello my lovely readers. I know its been a while since I last posted and this is to make up for it.

So what do you think of Noah.

Why did he react like that ?

Is he only my version of Prince Charming or is he yours as well ?

The next story will be in Noah's POV.

Always with you, I-hate-sappy-stuff.

Stay tuned FOR MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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