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Hi everyone 👋

Well while I'm writing this last chapter Taylor's song Ours just randomly play on my phone and I thought it was perfect song for this I guest?

So yeah!

Enjoy the last chapter of JAWS and there's an announcement on the end so yeah enjoy the chapter and music.



Reiner pulls the car up under the tree outside Galliard’s job, and just sits in the shade for a moment, enjoying the sunshine filtering through the leaves. After living his entire life in Trost’s city center, he’d never realized how much he would enjoy trees, and being somewhere with more natural spaces. The streets of Jinae are lined with lush shade trees, mature and thick-trunked, and Reiner still hasn’t gotten over the novelty.

He climbs out of the car—still the Mercedes, long paid off and still purring along—and walks across the parking lot, a brisk bounce in his step. A bell chimes as he walks into the office, and the receptionist looks up. She grins, recognizing him.

“Hi, Reiner!”

“Hey, Hannah.” Reiner strolls to the counter and leans against it. “How’s it going? Less morning sickness?”

“Oh, yes!” Her smile is so megawatt that Reiner almost wants to shield his eyes. “That stopped a few weeks ago.” She drops a hand to the small, gentle curve of her abdomen, cradling it protectively. “It’s going to be a boy.”

“That’s terrific!” Reiner knows that she and Franz both wanted a boy, and that the child will be deeply, deeply loved. “Have you considered Reiner for a name?”

“Ew, who’d name their kid that?” Galliard comes out of the back, his duffel bag already slung over his shoulder, the collar of his leather jacket—finally broken in, sitting properly across his shoulders—turned up rakishly.

“It’s a great name.”

“Uh huh.” Galliard stretches up for a kiss, one Reiner is happy to deliver. “Sounds like the kind of guy who’d meet his boyfriend at a strip club.”

Hannah giggles behind her hand and waves them out. “You guys have fun today.”

Galliard almost runs out to the car, and Reiner has to hustle to keep up. He wasn’t sure if Galliard was ready for this, but he already has the car turned on, the seat adjusted, and his seatbelt buckled by the time Reiner climbs into the passenger side.

“How was your day?” Galliard asks as he backs the car up and Reiner fastens his seatbelt.

“Good! I think we’ve finally reached a deal with that one case I was telling you about, the one with the two kids.” Leaving the intellectual property law firm had been an enormous leap of faith, one Reiner wouldn’t have been able to do without Galliard’s support, and he’d had to do supplemental work with them for six months while Reiner Braun: Family Law had gotten off the ground. But word of mouth has spread, he’s getting more business everyday, and Leo Magath, an old coworker from Reiner’s clerking days, is joining on next month as partner. The firm is small but growing and thriving, and while Reiner comes home exhausted everyday, he comes back satisfied and content in a way he’s never been before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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