My First Crush

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It was the middle of March. Spring had reached the fresh, flowery smell I've always known it for. The trees in front of the school gate were blooming with beautiful yellow colors. The flowers looming, quickly rustled with the sudden gales of the morning sky. My uniform's skirt danced with the wind and I was frightened that it would quickly take flight.

But I saw in front of me that I wasn't the only one. The cheerfully embarrassed outcry of a group of girls seemed oddly familiar to me.

A hint of blonde dye under brown hair tried to escape and reveal itself to the rest of the students. If anyone found out about that hint of blonde, I know for sure that there would be repercussions. She was my friend, Nat. And Nat, as her short-short skirt, and lack of high socks would suggest, never really cared for school rules. No matter the times she would get scolded. Not even when the faculty called her parents to talk about their rebellious daughter. In fact, what they thought was her mother speaking was instead her older sister who had willingly accepted Nat using her phone number for any school-related problem.

Once I walked over to them, the chuckles subsided.

"Sakura! Oh my God, did you see that wind?" Nat expressed without concern for those around us.

"Yeah, I thought my boy shorts were gonna show!"

"And wouldn't that have been a treat for the boys, huh?" said Mia. Her cheeky grin was always the butt of an inappropriate joke.

"Hah! They wish they could. Looking at Sakura should be a privilege for them," said Gabriela with a little scoff.

Gabriela was always the jealous one of the group. She was the clingy friend who never wanted anyone approaching us. Whenever a guy (most of the time delinquent-looking ones) tried to talk to Nat, Gabriela would make a drama play out of it. She would speak for Nat, react for Nat, and decide for Nat. But Nat didn't mind, and Mia didn't mind, and I didn't mind. Gabriela, all in all, was someone that would be there for us on days that most probably wouldn't. That was enough for us to forget about her overprotective personality. She just ... cared for us. Plus, her short stature, fluffy cheeks, and pixie hair looked cute on her. It was hard to stay mad at her.

"Oh Gabby, when will you marry us all?" Nat asked.

"If only I could!" Gabriela cried with fake and invisible tears.

"But you know, our little Saku might fly away from your nest soon enough," said Mia.

"Yeah, how did that confession go? I hope you said no to that dumbass."

"I-I did," I said.

"Come on! Cut him some slack. He's a cute guy. He's studious, friendly, likes sports, has soft hands, plump lips, gorgeous eyes, and isn't the center of any rumors. If you ask me, he's the type of guy you give your virginity to," said Mia. Her eyes looked upwards in wonder as if her dirty little mind thought about me doing the deeds already. In her head, I was probably two years into the relationship and had developed some type of fetish no one else but Mia could've thought about.

We could all see Gabriela's head steaming. Her cheeks were fluffier and redder than before.

"Maybe you should just have him for yourself," Nat said.

"Hehe, I just might."

The commotion of the students in their lockers and the hectic in and outs of classrooms was beginning to muffle out our conversation. I reached my locker, which to anyone's surprise was besides Mia's and Nat's and Gabriela's, and I began to take out my history books in exchange for my science books.

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