You Are My Dream

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I was sitting in the backseat of Anna's father's black sedan. The comfy leather seats didn't bring any relief to the uncomfortable sensation I had throughout my body. My hair was dripping and I felt guilty every time I heard a droplet hit the seat. Anna was probably going through the same thing on the passenger seat.

The car ride was quiet. Too quiet for my comfort. I felt a certain hostility from her father. Not against me. He had been rather nice and assertive when it came to deciding whether I would go to their home or not. Before Anna told him about her plan, he had offered it himself. It was simply the coldness of his demeanor.

He was intimidating.

I could see where Anna gets her disposition for acting pompous. His aura was completely made of confidence. His chin was straight and his back too. His hands were on the 10 and 2 positions on the steering wheel.

It was elegance and refinement.

Anna had gotten her looks from him, too. She was a mirror image of him, except the sharp jaw and stubbled cheeks. His hair was black like the night and his eyes as dark as the new moon. I imagine Anna's mother gave her the delicate features and the perky nose. This was simply a family of people sculpted by higher beings.

"What is that you hold?" he asked Anna.

"A cat."

"Is it your friend's?"


"I see ... I told you we didn't need a pet."

"The house feels empty ..."


"I want to experience what it is to have a pet. Sakura tells me it's fun."

Don't make me a part of this!

"Is that so, Sakura?"

"Ah-eh ... ahem ... yes it's fun. We've always had pets in my house."

"Is that so? And do they behave well?"

"Yes, if you give them attention and train them properly ..."

"And who takes care of them?"

"Well ... we all do. We share the responsibility."

"I see ..."

It feels like I'm talking to Anna.

"Anna," he says in a slightly deeper tone. "You'll have to take care of its necessities and train it properly. I don't want it breaking anything around the house."

"I understand. And it's a he."

"Did you give it a name?"


That name again.

"Curious. Like—"


"Very well."

The silence and the rhythmic sound of the wipers reigned over the car once again. It was somewhat relieving. I had exhausted my remaining energy on that conversation.

Nat's text message came to save me from the most awkward car ride ever.

"How did it go?" she wrote.

I realized she had sent it through the group chat we had with Mia and Gabriela when Mia wrote, "Yes, tell us!"

"Everything went well," I wrote.

"That's it?" Mia wrote. "Give us details!"

"We went for coffee, then the aquarium, ice cream, and she adopted a cat."

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