Chapter IV: New Rule

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Canned apples. That is what a camper was eating. He was a furry, a lone wolf.

His name was Arizona Red.

His name was Arizona Red

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Age: 24

Fav activity: telling/singing campfire stories/songs

He was camping in a nice little cliffside called Horseshoe Overlook. He didn't have a big horse, but he got around easy.

What wasn't easy was getting the supplies he needed. With him being a furry, he was shooed out of most towns, resulting in him having to steal inorder to survive.

It was night, it was cool, and he was very tired.

Arizona: "Last night, then...(Yawn)...I'll go back home..."

With that, he lied down and got some sleep. Unknown to him, in the morning, he'll have a whole new life.

~Early morning, The Homestead~

The sun was rising over the hill, shining through the window of Y/Ns room.

His and Blood Eagles clothes were still off after the night before.

The cowboy got up while making sure that his new girlfriend was still asleep, got dressed, and went into the living room where everyone was staring at him. And they looked pissed.

Y/N: "...What?"

Chris: "Deberías saber qué."

Y/N: "(?)"

Red: "I think you know what he means..."

After a couple of seconds, it clicked for him.

Y/N: "Aw shit. Did we-"

Danse: "Yes. And it was VERY loud."

Y/N: "What 'bout Jaylen and Red? They're loud when they do shit."

Jaylen: "First of all honey, it's called 'Bondage'. And second of all, we addressed the problem by cover'n our mouths."

Red: "Speakn' of which, here."

The pink wearing cowboy tossed a roll green adhesive cloth to Y/N, who was confused on what it was.

Red: "It's ducktape. Puta strip of that over your mouths, and it'll shut 'chu two up."

As Red finished, Blood Eagle came out rubbing her eyes. Everyones attention shifted to her as she turned to them.

Blood Eagle: "...What?"

Chris: "Ambos no pueden ser tan estúpidos."

Red: "Just shutup, Chris...I ain't in tha mood for it."

Nate: "You better be in the mood for packin', 'cause the rain stopped and I wanna get us moving."

Danse: "I'm ready when-"

*knock, knock, knock*

They stopped talking when they heard that door knock. Y/N motioned them to get down before opening the door to reveal a middle aged woman with a shotgun on her shoulder.

Y/N: "Can I help you?"

Woman: "Yeah, ya can. I know you have my fox. Now give it back.

Y/N: "I don't rightly know what you're talkin' about."

Woman: "I saw you and your friend break into my shead, now give it back."

Y/N looked to Nate for an answer on what to do. The gang leader simpily nodded.

Y/N: "Shoulda just let it go."

Woman: "The hell do ya-"

The shotgun weilding woman was cut off by Y/N plunging his hunting knife deep into her heart.

The shotgun weilding woman was cut off by Y/N plunging his hunting knife deep into her heart

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{Take your pick}

The woman died in seconds. Y/N didn't show an ounce of remorse. Why would he? He did it to protect his family.

Finnegan: "Now we HAVE to move out."

~22 minutes later~

The gang had packed up everything that they owned had found in the homestead in their wagons. Nate had pulled Y/N to the side to talk with him.

Nate: "Now, I know that you and Blood Eagle did the big one last night."

Y/N: "Yeah..."

Nate: "Did you finish inside?"

Y/N(flustered): "Y-yes."

Nate: "You know she's mostlikly going to get preagnet now, right."

Y/N: "Y-Yeah..."

Nate: "Just remember this rule: Family first, and the gang second."

Y/N knew where Nate was coming from. He made the mistake of not telling Auzzie, and he wasn't going to make the same one with Y/N.

Y/N: "I understand. I won't ever leave her."

Nate: "And that's why you're my favorite."

The gang then left the homestead for greener pastures. In a place called Horseshoe Overlook.

~*To Be Continued*~

Sorry this took so long to update, i was writing another two books and the original chap. 4 was deleted as i have stated before.

But ill be writing this along with F4LW now.

Asta la Vista you magnificent bastards, ill see ya next time

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