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hi again!

so, that's the end of this short story. 

this is the first story i write apart from produce 101. it hasn't been something really prepared, i was listening to Dream of you by chungha and decided to mash the sudden idea with another one i already had, which involved the novel "notre dame de paris" in it. That's one of my favorite books ever and I'm really emotional for it lol

the quotes in french are from the musical opera from riccardo cocciante, so they're based on the original novel, that's why i decided to keep them in the original language. 

the idea started when i was listening to "dream of you" as i already said, when she said "i can't stand that you might be in someone's bed with some ** you just met all over you". 
but during the writing, i figured out that it could look nice with another idea i had some time ago, which had this novel as a reference. idk if you may like all the explanations i'll write them in another chapter hahah or you can just enjoy the story the way it is

thanks for reading, again

if you're more into teen/idols drama, check my ongoing story produce101 on my profile 

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