je sens ma vie qui bascule

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[my life is shivering]

San came back home, but the thought of Wooyoung couldn't escape his mind. Couldn't let his brain cells to process what happened. Couldn't cancel the sight of that eye contact from his pupils. Couldn't cancel Wooyoung from his veins.

And that went on for the following days. Not only one day, or two days, or three days. That went on everyday, at every time. Even during his sleep, he dreamt about that gaze and that playful smirk directed only to him. Only to San.

That's when so many questions started to crowd his mind. Had Wooyoung ever noticed him before? The fact that San always sat in the first rows, the light he had in his eyes during his performances. No way Wooyoung could know anything about it.

But something broke inside San, that night. The awareness of the distance between the two started to fade away. The spell which kept everything in his place turned into something else: desire. Dreaming. Chasing.

Cet océan de passion qui déferle dans mes veines

Qui cause ma déraison, ma déroute, ma déveine

[this ocean made of passion which breaks into my veins

causing me madness, rout, bad luck]

San didn't stop himself to attend Wooyoung ballet shows. During the dances themselves, everything seemed back to normal: San flying in his own dimension, while Wooyoung steps on his clouds. This time, instead, he started to destroy every light, dragging San down to his underworld, to his hell, next to him. A world made of deadly sins, of desire, luxury, craving for touching. San wasn't used to this side of his life. Wooyoung reached angles of his soul he didn't even know they could exist.

Elle porte en elle le peché originelle

La desirér fait-il de moi un criminel

[she carries the original sin within her

desire is turning me into a criminal]

Each night, San walked back to his car and drove home.

Not tonight, though.

When San was about to press the button in his hands to open his car, someone invaded his sight. Wooyoung was landing against his own car, hiding a cigarette between his lips. Though the darkness, San could clearly see his eyes focused on a casual point far from them. Once San was close enough, he flipped his head, and a smirk grew on his busy lips.

"Bon soir, beautiful."

San took a long second to understand what to say. As every time in his life, he decided to stay calm. He wasn't any king of fanboy or whatever. He was a grown man, and a stranger was basically bothering his car and him.

"Excuse me, do I know you?"

Wooyoung let out a chuckle. His long fingers caught the cigarette to free his mouth, making the smile to become wider and a strange light to build in his pupils.

"You do know me, don't play with me." His voice came out low and husky. San realised it was the first time earing it this loud and close. He tried to make a step to enter his car. Although his mind was foggy and glitching, he honestly couldn't figure what Wooyoung wanted right there, right now, from him.

"You're the principal dancer of this show, aren't you? You want me to say I liked it? Because I did."

"Of course you did." Wooyoung took another puff from his cigarette, before throwing it away with nonchalance. San followed the path of the little object before coming back, holding the shorter's playful and teasing eyes without any problems.

"Then, can you let me drive home?"

"Why so annoyed, though?" Wooyoung stepped inches closer to San. The smell of tobacco invaded his nostrils, making them to twitch, but San didn't move a single muscle.

"Why don't you bring me home with you?" the young added with a whisper, making his lips to hover San's. Not that San didn't catch his intentions, though. He was having an internal battle about what to do. Wooyoung was clearly younger than him, not this much to be worried, but still was something prohibited. Something he never thought he could really have. But it'd been a lie to say that he hadn't dream a lot about his body. And Wooyoung must know it, since he kissed his lips right after, making San to lose the last rational cell he had.

He squeezed Wooyoung's waist in his grip while pushing his lips further with hunger, making the younger to whine under his touch. The kiss soon escalated, Wooyoung leaning against the car while his leg was pushing in between San's leg. The latter's hands roaming on the other's body with such passion that the younger guy needed to bring his head back, to catch some air.
San stared at his eyes with a serious yet turned on look. Being talkative wasn't definitely his thing. Then, he pushed Wooyoung's body away, to be able to open the door of the car.

"Come on, sit there. No smoking in my car."

Wooyoung walked around the car to get on, a satisfied smile on his lips.

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