The Truth

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       * trigger warning just in case*

         When Ivan finally arrived home (more like walking in from the front steps after a couple hours) he walked back into the greenhouse to go talk to Yao. 

        "Where is he"? He questioned. Yao was nowhere in sight. Ivan started looking for him in the living room, kitchen, dining room, all three bed rooms, he just couldn't find him. Ivan began to worry.

        "Why am I so stupid Da? I don't understand why I acted like an idiot instead of telling him the real reason. Right then and there Ivan heard someone sniffling from the bathroom.

        "YAO"! Ivan said as he slammed the door open. As he looked down he had to lean in the doorway to prevent himself from falling to his knees. As he looked down Ivan saw a very scared Yao crying with his arm gripping his left wrist which crimson liquid was pouring out of, a box cutter next to him covered in blood as well. The entire floor looked like a murder scene.

        "YAO OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO...WHY"! Ivan's vision became clouded with tears.


        Ivan removed Yao's hand lightly and swiped the sweat od his brow.

        "You will be okay it didn't go that deep for stitches but it definitely needs to be cared for da".

        "O-okay". Yao said calmed down but still nervous as ever. Ivan attended to the wound. He cleaned it, wiped away any blood from around his wrist and on his hand, and wrapped it tightly.

        "Alright I will check it in the morning da now, tell me everything". Ivan sat Yao down next to him on the bed as he began to speak.

        "I was afraid to tell you my past aru...How I used to do this all the time just to distract myself from the deeper pain during the wars...Then after that I vowed never to do it again and then-". He took his own time just to sniffle.

        "Then...This happened and I just love you so much I can't see you walk away like that again I just can't do it. I thought you were mad at me and I just couldn't help myself". Yao started to cry into Ivan chest.

        "I wasn't mad at you da". Ivan whispered as he rubbed Yao's head as he took out his ponytail so it wouldn't hurt him. As he traced his cold fingers down Yao's neck and onto his collarbone causing his to shiver he began to speak.

        "I am simply not used to all this...These feelings are very new to me da. Every time I tried getting close to someone, even you sometimes they shrugged me off, insulted me, or even ran away scared. I know this might come of harsh to you Yao and I hope you can understand but I thought you were just playing with me to see how far i'd go with you to test me...That's why I left like that,and I regret that Yao, and I can relate to you completely about what you did".

        "So you don't think i'm a freak aru" He asked quizzically.

        "Of course not...Remember your old friend Antonio...Well after he moved back to Spain I've been thinking about him lately and didn't he have a saying when he first told Lovi he loved him what did he say"?

        "Oh he called Lovi Mi Corazon I think".

        "That's right". Ivan pressed Yao into him more. 

        "I love you. I'm glad you told me the truth".

        "Love you too and I'm glad for the same reason".

        Yao looked up into Ivan's eyes which were the color of lavender. Ivan leaned down and kissed Yao. 

        "Let's go to bed it's almost six".


        With that Yao fell into ivan's arms and slept to the comfort of his warmth and the lullaby of his steady heartbeat.

        Yao promised to Ivan to never harm himself again...And he never did


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