The Big Day

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     It took a while to plan out everything for the wedding but when it was all said and done everyone was astounded. It was a common sight for people to walk into the ballroom they rented and have their jaws hanging.

     The place had a lot of space with plenty of leg room even with the large accommodation of people that flocked in. Purple and blue lights were set behind where the bride and groom would be, Loud music, a huge buffet with a professional chef that worked for Ivan who was a friend of kiku, Yao's brother. The cake was almost taller than Ivan himself which was also of course, finely and exquisitely decorated with bows, flowers, and beads.

     When everyone was inside it began.  Though Ivan was not nervous he couldn't help shaking uncontrollably with excitement wondering how beautiful Yao was gonna look. As time came closer and closer to see his lover people came up to congratulate him even Alfred and his family did.

     "Hey I-Ivan congratulations" Matt said shyly.

     "Thanks you look good in that suit and so does he". Ivan said pointing towards Gilbert Belidsmidt, Ludwig's brother, who brought Feli with him as well. The Canadian blushed and giggled looking towards his boyfriend.

     "Hallo Ivan" Gil waved on his way towards to buffet section...Probably to grab a couple of beers for him, Mattie, Antonio, and Francis.

     The time finally came. He walked up to the podium to talk to the guy speaking for the ceremony when he was told to turn around and there he was. Yao was walking down the aisle slowly with a bouquet with a veil over his head that attached to his elegant gown that was pure white. Ivan almost teared. When they said their vows and it was finished they decided to dance. Of course more than once Alfred bumped into him with Iggy of course saying apologies telling his to calm down.

     That night had gone perfect...Absolutely perfect. Ivan drove home with his beauty next to him dozing off half asleep. He felt bad so he just decided to carry Yao from outside all the way upstairs where their night ended.

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