Little Sunflower

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        For the past week Yao and Ivan had just done their regular schedule. Every morning Yao would get up out of bed and go over to his yoga mat and do a couple of stretches while a very impressed Ivan had his amethyst locked on his flexible body, then they would sit down and eat breakfest together, then go to work and all that boring stuff. Ivan however, Had a very special surprise for his lover. He had a secret door in his basement that led to a greenhouse the size of a normal sized house and the grass was green and littered with sunflowers on both sides of the dirt path plus, no matter if it was snowy or rainy it still was warm and bright. When you looked up you could see that the screen where the light came through was an artificial sky. It was so beautiful.

        "He's gonna love it". He whispered to himself.

        After they both got home from the meetings it was almost five and Ivan's place was closer so Yao and his beloved panda stayed with him. Yao loved how the Russian Borzoi rightfully named comet and his panda got along. 

        "Um Yao takoy kak I have something to show you".

        "Okay aru".

        As they walked down stairs Yao was confused as ever. What was the Russian up to? He soon found out when a hidden door opened and they walked in. Yao's eyes lit up at the sight almost crying.


        "I knew you would love it da...Perfect for my little sunflower da".

        Yao ended yp laying down in the middle of the path and Ivan did the same. They did that for a minute just silent staring up at the artfical light that caused warmth it was quite breath taking.

        "Yao Wang...I have to tell you in my life of a thousand years and yours of four I have loved you since the day you took care of me when my parents werent there. I realize now you took care of me more than my parents ever did and I thank you so much. I just want to scream to the world I'm in love with you".

        "And I love you Ivan Braginski" and he looked over and grabbed Ivan by the cheek and kissed him forcefully but softly.

        Ivan couldn't feel anything but fireworks going off and he loved it, even more, he loved the man who makes it feel like that. Yao snuck his tounge in Ivan's mouth and Ivan allowed him to explore as well as he did. Yao felt a tug on his changsun belt and he pulled away breathless. A shameful Ivan with a slight blush across his face looking down.

        "I think we should stop now da". He said bluntly "I don't think its ok to go further than this for this moment".

        "Yea aru..Of course".

        "I-I got to go to see Natalya see you later"

        "Wait Ivan-"

        With that the door slammed shut and Yao was alone and crying.

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