A Picnic And All Night Stargazing

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        Ivan woke up with Yao in his arms, his ebony hair sprawled out across the pillow to deep in comfort to move. Ivan could feel his warm breath slowly brushing his arm making him smile at his Asian beauty. To him Yao was his sky with it's own castle built on clouds. He didn't know what he would do if he lost him...He probably would lose himself all together. He decided to take his precious YaoYao on a picnic behind his house where two acres sat as just green rolling land and a tree with a tire swing and a large pond. 

        Ivan slowly got up and to his surprise Yao didn't move so to his advantage he could make a surprise lunch of sausage, crackers, and Bologna sandwiches with mustard and packed them into a bamboo basket. He heard a ruffle and turned around to see Yao leaning against the doorway rubbing his eyes. 

        "Vanya? what are you doing up so early it's seven in the morning aru".

        "It's a surprise yaoyao".

        "Ugh why do you have to be so difficult aru". He whined. Yao walked over to hug his Russian bear and gave him a peck on the cheek. Ivan forgot he didn't have a shirt on so we was surprised when Yao was tracing his abs. Ivan was actually surprised the first night he saw him too. He thought Yao was more fragile looking but he had a lot of build into him, almost like him. Yao had very sculpted abs so he decided to do the same. After a long silent moment of doing this he told Yao to get dressed. 

        They both went to the cafe down the street for a small breakfast of pastries and coffee. Yao was wearing his blue peony-embroidered  changsan and Ivan wore his jacket and his scarf. After they went home Yao remembered the violin he hasn't played in years sitting in the corner. He tells Ivan to sit on the couch. He still remembers the ancient Chinese song he played as a teen. Ivan was really impressed at how well his fingers moved skillfully on the strings, how he moved his arms and body so gracefully. He had Yao play more till he knew it was time to go to his house which wasn't far away.

        "Hey Yao...I'm gonna take you to your surprise now it's at my house for the night ok?"

        "Ummm ok aru I trust you."

        "Yay come on da."

        On the way out Ivan grabbed the stuff he made earlier and ran down the street and a  couple more blocks till he saw farmland. Yao stared in wonder. In his years living here he has never been here but why? Honestly though he didn't care. He also didn't realize Ivan didn't live in a pearly white mansion with big pillars in the front. Yao was astounded when he saw what the inside looked like as well. A staircase with fancy iron railings going up and splitting going right and left. The white ceiling and walls, the huge amount of space so big even the smallest whisper echoed. What he really loved was Ivan's bedroom. The thing was the size of his dining room! It had chocolate brown walls with a maroon carpet and a king-sized bed with a canopy holding up shiny maroon colored cloth.

        They headed outside the back and walked toward the lonesome tree and sat underneath. 


        "I'm so glad you think so da. Here's your plate. I put crackers sausage, and your sand which on it for you da. Ya tebya lyublyu da."

        The two lovers sat and ate and after a while of eating and drinking a bit of vodka they decided to push eachother on the ancient swing. Ivan fell off a couple times but Yao stayed on for he was the most sober. They stayed there all day just wrapped up in each other. When it started to get colder Yao started to shiver. By now it was at least eight at night. Ivan felt it and swung off his jacket and covered him with it. He was used to it being cold so he knew Yao needed it more. They both just stare up at the never ending natural ceiling and spotted a couple constellations like Orion and the great bear when suddenly...


        "Ha ok da...I wish-"


        "Aww but i want you to know".

        "I won't allow you".


        "Blahblahblah not listening aru".

        "Fine da let's go inside we need sleep".


        The two walked slowly back to the house leaning on each other hopless in love and for support. Ivan uncovered the sheets after getting their pajamas and settled down in the large bed. Even though there was plenty of space they stayed close togather tangling their legs togather. Right before Yao fell asleep Ivan piped up.



"I wish we stay in love forever and that we will never fall apart and lose eachother agian".

"Ivan I told you not to tell me aru". Yao chuckled slightly also play punching Ivan's large bicep before falling into a deep sleep.

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