Chapter 1 The Rise of Cybertron

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The rise was quick and now half of the known universe spoke cybertronian or some form of vossian or some other organic language but that was only for the cybertronian slaves. By this point the majority of around sixty percent was supposed to be cybertronian but Starscream had stopped his expansionist policies and stopped everything it seems as he was now dying. His old body couldn't hold up anymore and he was forced to life on his berthing pod as he slowly watched his empire go away from his control and into the control of his harem of daughters. He had six, no, it was seven, the little one died of some natural cause, the littlest human died before she could properly be put into a cybertronian body and the hybrid was assassinated by megatron loyalists some million or so years ago leading Starscream to kill tens of millions of former decepticons and permanently handicapped the army. With her he had lost his heir and now his four remaining daughters vied for who would win, and despite Starscream begging them it only got so far and kept them from fighting for a while. Now the only places where they aren't enemies are at their sires bedside. Starscream then started to think about the players

Nightglider. She was tall, Jet black with red outlines and a grey face, pretty little red eyes, his eldest daughter from shadowstorm his wife and the queen of cybertron who was barely doing better than him. She had been given the command of the seekers after Starscream finally decided that he was hogging up the title from one of his daughters and the seeker command gave her the command and she was a great leader, but she was a militarist. She was the first seeker to have a large amount of support from the army but it made sense as she was constantly campaigning for every single war possible. She wanted to conquer the universe and loot and plunder the entire world to help cybertronians, and destroy the other species. She had complete control of the seekers and a large portion of the army but after Starscreams purges she was low on commanders. She was ruthless but very very smart but due to her upbringing away from her parents she wants and demands attention having a consort that acts as her permanent slave and yes man. She is also very good at commanding troops and a good fighter but she is short sighted and driven by emotion.

Then there was Valkyrie. The moderate, the joe Biden of the choice if you will. She was in favor of some moderate reforms unlike nightglider and she had a large support of the conservatives and moderates and thus had the plurality of the support from the nation especially from the colonies and the navy. The navy was nine to one in favor of her and she treated them well by increasing their funding. However she wasn't the favorite to win as she wasn't her sire favorite that had always been the hybrid and then nightglider but she still loved her sire and gained more and more support from him by the day. She also had the support of large portions of the senate and the ailing Astroll who could fund her army.  However with all of this she lacked officers and military support from the seekers with a good amount of the military liking her. She is a great administrator but a horrible general, although she has been getting better, she's a decent hand to hand fighter and she knows how to make political moves and can make anyone like her if they give her the chance, but finally, she was brought up in a nice environment and was stable and made decisions from logic and a mix of military need and political need.

 She is a great administrator but a horrible general, although she has been getting better, she's a decent hand to hand fighter and she knows how to make political moves and can make anyone like her if they give her the chance, but finally, she wa...

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Then their was the second youngest, Screamfly, the reformer who wished to make the empire a true constitutional monarchy and free the organic slaves of the empire and make the military a modern power house. She has the support of the reformers, some of the military, the praetorian guard, the official guards of the king, of thundercracker and skywarp who are both in better conditions than their brother, some of the seekers and some of the military. She as a great pool or young fighters and extremists and revolutionaries and officers but has a chronic lack of generals, so her army had great command at the divisional level but not at the level of armies. She also has the support of shadowstorm, Starscream still hasn't announced who he supports. However she grew up in a good home and it stable however she makes decisions on how much good it will make and not practicality and on how it will help her later

 However she grew up in a good home and it stable however she makes decisions on how much good it will make and not practicality and on how it will help her later

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(This was made for a rp I am in, I own non of these these are references)

Then their was the youngest, the final contender and then scariest one, Viper. Never has their been such a hateful being as viper, she took all of the bad qualities that her sire had before he ruled and has them multiplied by ten except for the ego. She has complete support of the ss and basically nothing and no one else. She wants to exterminate the organic slaves and make the cybertronian species self reliant, and the only type of beings out their in the universe. She was loved and cradled as a child, but that didn't stop her from being a hateful being that makes decisions of out of pure spite, and the worst part is she is only 16, going on 17, she scared everyone and no one can tell what she will do.

 She was loved and cradled as a child, but that didn't stop her from being a hateful being that makes decisions of out of pure spite, and the worst part is she is only 16, going on 17, she scared everyone and no one can tell what she will do

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