Chapter 4 The Good Old Days

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(Quick retcon, Nightgliders consort in this is a femme names Lilith)

Nightgliders villa was massive, a castle in of itself which truly said something about her. Her old sister often told her that she didn't need it but she was long dead, her opinion didn't matter anymore. She missed her older sister and her little art projects and just how nice she was to everyone and how helpful, she was practically an autobot made seeker by her sire and her families love but alas all of that was gone now. It was shaped like an ancient Roman villa but larger, and better in every way. In its main room there was a throne, not just something that was like a throne her ego had made her ask her sire for the ability to make a whole throne and he allowed her. She was sitting on it and was leaning against her right arm as she seemed bored. She had recently cleaned her crown and added onto it, it was now a long and tall circle around her head with five arches, the outermost two being small humps, the inner pair being slightly taller and holding two large red balls. The final little hump was double the size of inner two humps and far sharper as it held a large square purple rock at its center. Actually it wasn't purple, it was black with a hint of purple. Her face was a light grey with pretty red eyes complimented by a jet black body with a slight hour glass figure hidden away in her elegant armor that looked as if it were her actually body. Her wings were long and like the wings of a Raven. She had long black heels and the a purple cockpit on her chest accompanied with red lines surrounding it and red lines running doing the sides of her thighs.

Next to her sat her consort, her lover, her toy, her personal plaything that she had mutated and changed to her delight, her willing (although some expect foul play, others say it is mental illness) slave. She had changed her little toy to fit her type or femme she wanted perfectly, she was without an opinion, she did whatever nightglider wanted perfectly and nothing else, she was very smart, a rather thick femme hidden behind walls of armor, had a weak voice, was jet black, she was like a subservient and slightly taller version of her mistress and currently she was giving her mistress a massage

"That will be enough Lilith I believe she is coming, to meet your sister in law and remember, she may be young but she is still above you, and very fragile."

Lilith nodded and walked to the door only to have it opened before she could open it. Viper looked at her and then quickly hugged Lilith as she always liked her and Lilith hugged her back and after they asked all of the normal questions  Lilith went to her position next to Nightglider, on her right hand side, as Viper went before them and then hugged nightglider before she stepped back and asked

"So what is the occasion sister, and what's with you not trying to hang out recently, I haven't scared you off too have I?"

"No you have not, but you have scared the other two and that's why I'm here, you see together we can win, well I can win, do you want to give the vote over to Valkyrie after all that she's done to you and how she refused to give you a present and refused to try to help you on that planet and I had to get sire to save you. She hates you and Screamfly would have you dead if she had it her way. Big sis would have wanted me to win anyway and you know she was right about anything and besides if you throw your votes behind me, you'll be my right hand femme. We can finally conquer the universe and we will be heroes. Come on what do you say, it'll be just like good old days. Don't you remember the old times, Viper?"

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