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The Deepest Depths of Hell

Astroll and Megatron has been kept in complete and utter darkness for half a million years but suddenly they were both wheeled to the same room. They were on boards with their arms and legs chained to the board, they couldn't move or struggle, basically at all. They looked at each other as they entered the room, a demonic guard stood behind them, and before then a dark figure was standing. His red eyes opened and showed no emotion as he stepped down to their level and announced what was going on.

"You all may wonder why exactly you are here, very funny story. You see, you both have taken something from me that I held dear, and you see, unicron is a big, big fan of me, and he didn't want to waste my talents of knowing exactly how to hurt someone continually and make them experience the maximum amount of pain, so instead of sending me to eternal torment he gave me a job, go torture you two. You two have committed some serious evil, and I am going to punish you for all of time now, and I am going to love it. Allow me to start with mister Astroll. Oh yeah, in case you forgot, the names Deadeye."

He smiled as suddenly both he and Astroll could see a memory. Astroll was standing in front of a bounty hunter who was looking rather conflicted about something, Astroll slammed his fists on a desk and said, "I don't care if they have a son with some sort of optical disability or if they have some stupid fucking daughter! I need them dead, they have information that could have me thrown in jail for a million, no, a billion years! Til I rot away and die, now let's get to business. How much do I need to pay you to forget your moral compass."

Deadeye smiled as he looked at Astroll and then rubbed his knife against the mechs throat as he then said, "Don't worry, you'll regenerate, this is hell, I couldnt torture you if you were just a few molecules. Also, do you know what happened the day after that?"

"There was a car crash that killed both of those fools who were threatening to sue me and ruin my plans by sending me to jail for millions upon millions of years, is that your massive grudge against me, that I hired someone else to my dirty work, you really are sad you dirty bounty hunter." Astroll then smiled as he guessed that he had gotten under the assassin/bounty hunters skin, he was trying to delay the inevitable because deep down he knew that there was no escape but every second that he could delay the menace in front of him, the better.

"Those were my parents, they died the next day leaving me and my sister practically alone in this world. But now that we have discussed the crime, well one of the thousands of crimes which you have committed, let me tell you about the punishment, unfortunately I can't torture you with mental anguish, you simply don't care about anyone else except yourself and arguably your sister, but she isn't here, unlike you she gets external pleasure and happiness, so I can't use her against you, well I could, but I don't want to. Unlike you I don't like using mentally ill cybertronians to get my work done for me. The only thing that you fear, is pain. So, I will give you the worst pain possible."

He smiled as he then shoved his knife into Astrolls side and turned around completely before he then tore it out leaving Astroll with a large circular hole in his side that hurt like all hell, he screamed in pain, and kept screaming, but for some odd reason Megatron could see Astrolls mouth moving, but he couldn't hear the words he was saying. Megatron blinked and saw nothing but darkness, except for a small light in the center of the room. Deadeye walked into that light and looked at the warlord as he grinned, moving his mask up a little bit.

"Megatron, the fourth wonder of the world, a gladiator who took himself up from the pits and started a revolution meant to help people, but you fail quite short of your goal Megatron. You hurt far more than you helped. You turned from the best politician on cybertron to a warlord who hurt defenseless foes for the greater good, a greater good that doesn't, and has never existed. You may seem the brute, and you are, but deep deep down you don't want to see people die, you want people to be happy and for cybertron to flourish, deep down you feel bad about every casualty of your war, and that is your weakness, one I will exploit. So tell me, dear lord Megatron, if you are the hero of cybertron and the savior of the poor, then why did this happen?"

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