Chapter 22 I Made The Stars Scream

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Starscream could not go to sleep for some odd and unusual reason, his eyes just refused to shut, as if his mind was fighting him. He hated it, he hated not being able to fully use his body, that he couldn't command his arms and legs as if they were his slaves which they were, but they were resisting, even his goddamn mind was fighting against him and keeping his eyelids open, he wanted to sleep, he wanted to finally get a good rest but alas they wouldn't let him but he fought against them, and he always won a battle of wills. But before he shut his eyes he felt a sense of dread run down his spine as if his mind knew something horrible would happen but he didn't care, so like that he shut his eyes and within five minutes he was in the land of dreams

But these dreams, weren't dreams. They were real events and even weirder, Starscream felt himself in his old body, he felt the energy of youth and he felt all the same feelings as he did at this point but alas he also had his own. He was at the moment when he was made leader of the seekers, something which he really liked as it was the start to his career and the start to his journey. He watched with happy eyes as he looked down at his younger self as he stood at the front of the conference room and talked to those elders whom he had just bullied into giving him the leadership and then he smiled and said, his dark and deep voice going out from his smirking lips

"Mechs, femmes, today you have all made the right decision, perhaps for the first time in some of yours lives. I stand in front of you all as the leader of the seekers, air commander Starscream, it has a nice ring to it. A much better ring than air commander Spinestra or air commander Astroll, the seekers aren't lead by those who had rich sires and carriers but by people who lifted themself up like myself, Thundercracker, and Skywarp did, and we are far better choices then those to. A not pure blooded Vossian, and a purple pimp, the choice was simple and yet I had to bully my way into this role which can only mean one thing."

He stopped for drama as his delegates smiled and the old guard of old seeker generals delegates and donators frowned deeply and the current Starscream smiled as he waited for the best part, although maybe he had gone a little to hard on the old guard of seekers

"That you all are corrupt and that it is time for some early retirements the conditions of which will be handed to some of you tomorrow. Anyway... it is time to tell you all what I will do. I will make the seekers the terror of the stars and the skies, I will make our aerial supremacy absolute, I will make our forces great and our honor ever greater, I will make the seekers better than they have ever been before, and I will do it before your very eyes! I will make the stars scream for me, I will establish a dynasty of proper leaders unlike what we have had for millions of years and do not even think that I won't be getting this done, I will get everything done just you wait. Anyway allow me to leave, I have said what I needed to, just remember, all hail air commander Starscream."

The elder Starscream who started to think of himself like a ghost now smiled as he had done all that he had said and even more, he looked at the surprised and angry old seekers as they walked out beyond pissed and he laughed as there was really no reason for them to be so angry as any of the candidates would have done the same, hell Spinestra would have just killed anyone who had voted against her at that, Spinestra was one of the strongest people on cybertron at the one, she owned the pits of Slaughter City and she also owned most of the slaves in the mines of the south of cybertron and she was slowly becoming more and more unpopular. Starscream frowned as he thought about how his friend had died, he liked Spinestra despite the fact that she was a horrible person but alas he didn't have much time to think about it as he felt a weird feeling in his chest and then all went black.

He then opened his eyes and saw himself at a table in a restaurant in Vos, which one he couldn't tell as they looked the same, but there he was, standing over three people, himself, Astroll, and Shadowstorm, his future sparkmate. He remembered this moment, it was bittersweet at best as while yes he was meeting the love of his life it was hard to get over the fact that she was basically being pimped out by Astroll. She worked as a worker for one of Astrolls clubs and had gotten into debt into one of Astrolls banks and he made her go and try to make Starscream like Astroll a little more and in return her debts would be forgiven. Astroll has decided to make it a blind date and he brought Shadowstorm up to Starscream, Starscream instantly liked her and definitely liked her body, she looked like a femme version of himself but a little thinner which was just his type and Astroll smirked as he saw that and the ghost of Starscream frowned realizing that Astroll was practically making fun of him. The blind dates exchanged a few words both not wanting to start the relationship in front of fucking Astroll, who despite claiming to be asexual was tied up in more affairs than any other seekers and his near monopoly on the adult clubs of cybertron was well known.

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