Chapter 13 The Bomber

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Valkyrie was a good loser, a little too good of a loser for the majority of her party but that acted as if her party now actually mattered, which it didn't. After a large portion of her followers voted for Nightglider the party has fractured and Valkyrie has all but given up on it. In one way she was the opposite of her sire, tall, powerful, and a fairly big femme with a constant smile and a large battle axe she isn't afraid to use.

Somehow she didn't really look like either of her parents, but she did have a look, she looked like a Valkyrie which is why she is named that

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Somehow she didn't really look like either of her parents, but she did have a look, she looked like a Valkyrie which is why she is named that. And she certainly fits the role being a warrior and a great leader. She was a little over thirty feet tall and had a personality even larger when she was in a good mood or if the people under her managed to get her drunk, which barely ever happens but isn't exactly an impossible thing to do.

Valkyrie could be heard a good half a mile from where she was as she walked down the hallways to her sires room, mostly because she was just very large and weighed a lot, and also because she was one of the very few people there. She was actually fairly small far a bomber but just as compact as she decided to have a more stylized design which made her body a little more compact. Slowly she walked into her sires room and she saw him watching television, a more conservative news outlet to be exact, and dozing off slowly.

She smiled as she quietly walked over to him and then slowly sat next to him and slowly looked over him as she waited for him to fully wake up and realize she was there. He looked exactly the same as when she had been born, in paper at least. He still wore the same crown, his fingers were still more like claws, his body was still blue and red, he didn't wear the shoulder pads or cape anymore as they felt uncomfortable, he still had long heels that made her smile. But now he seemed a lot more dull, it seemed like the life had been taken out of him and for some strange reason she couldn't understand he still stubbornly held onto this existence. Knowing Starscream and his health, he was letting this happen, he could easily live another million years if he tried, he simply didn't want to so he was allowing his health to get worse and worse but he was still here, there was clearly something, or someone, that he wanted to see before he finally went and she didn't know who or what he was waiting for, she just didn't think it would come.

It took him about a minute before he finally turned his head and looked at her and he smirked as he then said in his famously deep voice

"Oh, I didn't remember you were visiting today you should have texted me and would have tried to stay up."

Valkyrie smiled as she held one of Starscreams hands seeing how warm it was, it still was somewhat hot like that of a healthy mech. Starscream didn't like that but he couldn't help it, even if he was in his prime he wouldn't be able to take on a bomber let alone a bomber in her prime. Valkyrie however was really happy as she saw, it rather heard that her sire was still being himself, however sarcastic he was

"Well I decided to come here since I heard you had something for me and I didn't really tell anyone besides my sister, oh yeah by the way Nightglider told me to tell you she loves you and Lilith wanted to say she'll be here in a day to discuss something."

"Lilith eh, I haven't seen her in damn near a year but I have an idea as to what I think she'll want to talk about, but yes I do wish to tell you something very very important. Question is, are you up for it."

"Yes sire, I've been up to every single challenge you've put me through and I finished it with flying colors and it grades depending on whatever it was. Out of all the daughters I was the smartest except for her, and I barely beat Nightglider but I still did better and I am the strongest of them all."

"You also weigh more than triple what they do and you also have arms four times their size so that isn't fair with strength and you won by math alone. But anyway I won't be able to see you through this challenge."

"Why not, sure you aren't in that bad of a shape, wait...

"Valkyrie, I name you as my successor for the seekers, once I die, you will be the air command. All will fear and respect air command Valkyrie."

Starscream smiled as he saw his daughters shocked face. Her mouth was wide open and Starscream felt a jolt of joy go threw his spark as he felt like a great sire once again. His mind was very clear and he just felt joy that he was able to make his daughters day and possibly month to year.

Valkyrie, she was speechless, she would not only be the first femme to be air commander but also the first bomber, but also the first person other than Starscream to hold the mantel in nearly six million years. She was honored, humbled, and her her ego was boosted in a way as she was considered more worthy than her sisters for this job and she felt amazing but she was just so filled with emotion that she couldn't make a sound let alone form a complete sentence

"Close your mouth I taught you better than that. And don't be so surprised, I know Viper has a new little mini ss, and nightglider has the army and I would never mix the seekers with anything and you better not either. And Screamfly isn't ready, she really isn't especially after recently, yes I have eyes and ears everywhere Valkyrie but don't worry I don't know anything bad about anyone, or my spies haven't told me anyway. Sorry if they creeps you out but I need to know what happens in my empire and anyway, you should be grateful that I've allowed you to simply walk into the role. You know when I was about your age, a few hundred years older actually, I had to gather up all of my friends and basically threaten a council of seeker leaders into giving me the leadership of the seekers. Ah it was amazing, myself, thundercracker, skywarp, and Astroll all bullied my way into the leadership position and I have made the seekers larger and greater than they were in the good old days and you better do the same and earn your place in the hall of seeker leaders as the seventh leader of the seeker armada and you better do just as good as I did or better."

"I will sire, thank you, you don't know how much this means to me."

She was now a step away from crying and she leaned over and gave her sire the biggest bear hug of her life smushing up him up against her as he hugged her back and tried to move into a position to where he didn't touch anything he didn't want to and so that he didn't break anything and after a good ten seconds he managed to get into that position as he hugged her back. He was holding back tears but he would never tell a soul that, after all they really didn't need to know. Eventually she broke the hug and Starscream violently coughed into his elbow as that bear hug had hurt him pretty badly and Valkyrie felt horrible and so simply she patted him on the back and said

"I'm so sorry are you ok."

"Do I look like I'm ok. Could you get me my secretary."

"Yes sire, I love you."

"I love you to."

She then got his secretary and left feeling horrible

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