Chapter 26 Enemy Approaching

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"Empress Nightglider!"

Nightglider had been napping on her throne before a weird voice woke her up, it was from Sunsurfer who seemed rather giddy and she didn't like that as Sunsurfer was always one of the few people that were always calm and could always make themselves look in control but alas now she was bouncing up and down like a giddy child. Nightgliders look had changed a bit, after all she was a carrier now. She had ruled for two years and had watched as her armies rolled across the universe and within three hundred years she would rule the entire universe along with her queen and her new daughter. She had named her daughter Grace, because she said that it was by the Grace of primus that she was born at a point where she could use technology to have a child with her femme friend. In reality she just really liked the name and made that up whenever Screamfly asked her about it. Speaking of Screamfly she had been forcing threw reforms and making Cybertron a better place and she has been working on her greatest achievement, the protection of endangered species in cybertronian colonies. She had created laws and a force of people who will enforce this laws but alas it was hard work and it took up a lot of her time. Valkyrie had spent most of her time reforming colonies and districts and making the seekers a larger, more elite force and she has increased the amount of bombers in the seekers, most likely because she had a bias to bombers since she is one. Viper has ran her little secret police force from the back ground and in reality has spent most of her time talking to mechs she knows and teasing them finding that a fun thing to do with her time, a hell of a lot more fun that taking down rebellions in the colonies.

Nightglider has continued her reforms and has given birth to the new princess and has spent a lot of time being a mother. She has seemingly calmed down and acted more motherly and has certainly softened up a little bit now that she has Grace to take care off and her body seems a little thicker now especially around her chest. She seemed to almost think herself to highly to deal with some of the matters of state allowing her minions and her cabinet to do things for her as she just did things when they were needed or when she felt like she should do something. She spent most of her time learning how to sword fight and fight larger and stronger opponents and how she can use her serrated sword to good use and abuse the fact that most fighters don't know how to deal with it, especially in someone so young and flexible. She wasn't even that young but she had poured massive amounts of money into making herself look young and look more regal as she also spent a lot of time trying and barely keeping her little religion from failing. Most cybertronians disliked the fact that Nightglider not only didn't try to stop those who believed that Starscream and his family were chosen by primus and by the titans to rule. Basically some of the most rabid supporters of Starscream and Nightglider were spoon fed this lie by a few separate cybertronians and they spread it and by this point nearly fifteen percent of cybertron supporter the religion but Nightglider couldn't openly support it as that would look horrible to those who didn't support it so she had to slowly help it. It has a lot of popular members such as Nightgliders best friend, Sunsurfer, and Nightgliders own sister Viper has also fallen into believing it.

Eventually she sighed and then she snapped back to reality and looked at the femme who she had fooled and the femme she considered her best friend before she said in her now constantly regal voice

"What is it Sunsurfer, please don't tell me that those aliens escaped our encirclement."

"My goddess, look outside, the aliens are invading cybertron."

If that didn't wake Nightglider up then nothing would. She almost instantly got up off of her throne and instantly wondered where Lilith was just to remember that she was with Grace trying to soothe her to sleep. Nightglider walked up to Sunsurfer and said

"Go to Lilith, and tell her to get her aft down here right now! And then get Grace and take her out of town. And while your walking I want you to make sure every fucking townhouse is getting evacuated. I want everyone who can't fight in the fucking wilderness in a hour!"

Sunsurfer quickly nodded we Nightglider walked onto the balcony to see panic in the streets as cybertronians looked up into the sky seeing thousands of little blobs in the atmosphere which were the alien ships they would be within firing range of the planet within thirty minutes. Without thinking Nightglider yelled louder then she ever had before


Quickly an orange, white, and grey seeker who was around the equivalent of nineteen ran up to the queen her entire body shaking as she ran up to the empress and quickly bowed as she asked in a quacking voice

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Quickly an orange, white, and grey seeker who was around the equivalent of nineteen ran up to the queen her entire body shaking as she ran up to the empress and quickly bowed as she asked in a quacking voice

"My empress how may I be of assistance?"

"Activate order 37, and get the main fleet back to cybertron in a fucking hour. And make sure everyone is out of the cities in a hour. I want every fucking ship we have flying up there and either taking out some of their ships with their guns or I want a captain to full their old ships with explosives and then drive it into their fleet and kamikaze it and blow their own ship up in order to destroy that fleet. I want a suicide squad to take the Nemesis and kamikaze it into the fleet. I want everyone that can use a gun to form into a militia and I want that all to happen a hour ago!"

"But ma'am didn't you tell Sunsurfer to order people to evacuate?"

"My conversations with others are not your business now go, I'll go get the army ready for this hellscape."

They both walked away horrified about what would happen, although Nightglider was happy as she already knew how she could make this turn to her own advantage.

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