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Calliope closed her mouth. Nevermind her frustration, only being able to crudely say dya-bba-dya-bba was extremely disgraceful. 

“Aww, so cute!”

Not knowing her inner thoughts, Robert squealed and kissed her on the cheek. Calliope was startled for a moment before giving into the kisses that rained down on her. 

She was an adult on the inside, so she still wasn’t used to skinship like this. But she was relatively alright with kisses from a young kid like Robert. 

In her previous life, Calliope very rarely initiated skinship or expressed her emotions to the point that she was called haughty for her outer indifference. So it made sense that she was still very awkward about such things despite being a baby. 

She sighed on the inside. She had many reasons why she wanted to quickly grow up.


“It’s just not me thinking that Lippe doesn’t cry much, right?”

Lucius asked Horcean after leaving the room. 

“I think it’s just because she has a pretty quiet personality? What’s wrong?”

“It goes beyond being quiet. She doesn’t even cry. She just babbles from time to time.”

At first, he had thought his sister was a relatively obedient child. But seeing just how quiet she was, he was worried that it might be a problem. 

“Hm, but I don’t think it really a problem?”

Horcean rubbed his chin in thought. Calliope was certainly different from his siblings when they were her age. 

“Did your parents say anything?”

“They’re worried as well. She hasn’t tried to leave her crib, doesn’t have much of a reaction to her toys, and hasn’t ever reached out a hand towards her mobile.”

Of course, there was no way that his parents would say this in front of their two young sons. Lucius and Robert had been heard their conversation while passing by. Up until that point, he hadn’t really known much about babies, so he hadn’t thought his sister’s actions were strange at all. But after that, he began to worry.

“What about the doctor?”

“They said there’s nothing wrong with her physically, but it’s difficult to properly diagnose an infant.”

“Then the only thing you can do is wait as you watch over her.”


Horcean looked at Lucius with interested eyes. Though it was normal to worry about a younger sibling, to see someone who was usually indifferent to everything show a great amount of concern was a happy surprise.  . 

“Well, don’t worry too much. It’ll get better as she grows up. I thought Epinny had a real problem when she was a baby, though that was because she was too energetic…it was like I was fighting a war with her.”

Horcean shivered thinking of those times. His three-year-old younger sister was extraordinarily talented in so many strange ways…

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