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Even though Calliope stubbornly kept her mouth closed, her family members continued to encourage her to open her mouth. Her resolve weakened as she saw her usually gruff father tilting his head in curiosity. 

‘They want it this much…’

In her past life, she had wished for her family members to miraculously return to her, alive, thinking that she would do everything and anything for them. She still held these thoughts in her present life. 

Eventually, Calliope opened her mouth. She suddenly felt like her mouth had become some kind of popular tourist site. 

“There really are teeth! Cool!”

And then Robert tried to put his finger into her mouth. 

Calliope shut her mouth immediately and turned her head, frightened. Her surroundings let out a regretful sigh.

“Why did you try to put your hand in, you scared her.”

“But it was just so amazing, I had to.”

Robert scratched his head and mumbled as Lucius told him off. The father and his sons looked at the closed mouth with regret written over their faces. 

“Oh right! The Miss must be hungry, it’s time for her to eat.”

Calliope cheered up upon hearing her nanny’s words, Finally she could stop being the center of everyone’s attention!

“Oh, why, that’s right, our Lippe must be so hungry. I couldn’t have known because you didn’t cry and waiting so quietly and obediently. Should Mommy feed you?”

The countess spoke to Calliope in a coaxing manner. She didn’t want to part from her daughter just yet. Taking a hint at her words, Calliope’s nanny ordered a maid to heat up and bring over the baby food. 

As soon as they realized that they would get to see Calliope eating, her father and brothers settled down in the countess’s office. It wasn’t long before a high chair and a baby table was prepared for Calliope to eat at, her baby food arranged neatly in front of her. 

“Alright, let’s eat now, Lippe.”

The countess smiled brightly and held out a spoon. She felt the envious gazes of the other three family members who also wanted to feed Lippe. Well, the first one to move wins. 

But instead of opening her mouth to be fed, Calliope reached her arm out towards the spoon. 

“Hmm? You want to eat it yourself?”

Her mother, understanding her actions, handed the spoon to Calliope, who triumphantly grasped the spoon. Just as she had predicted, she could hold the spoon well. As she brought the food to her mouth, she didn’t spill on drop either, though that was because the baby food was sticky and didn’t drip so easily. 

When she started eating baby food, she wanted to feed herself. Her hands were already so big, and she felt it was wrong to still receive her food like an infant. She could hold objects well, so she thought that holding a spoon would be a piece of cake. 

Calliope excited, something that happened once in a blue moon. Full of anticipation, she brought the spoon to her mouth. 

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