Chapter 39

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I pull on my shirt, when i feel a tug at the back.

"M- Massy." Leyton blurts my name, giggling.

"Macy." I smile and he laughs again.

"Will you play hide and seek with me and Lily?" He looks up at me with crystal blue eyes, a quiver of his lip, turning into a begging smile.

"Buddy. We are about to ea-"

"Louis!" I turn at Louis and Harry hovering in the doorway.

"I believe Leyton asked me. Now if you excuse me, i have to go count." I raise a brow at Louis and he holds his hands out in defeat.

Leyton beams at me, tugging me by my hand.

I take a seat on the couch, taking my time to count to a minute. Listening to the shuffling around the room before i call out.

"Ready or not. Here i come."

I amuse them, looking in the wrong places at first, judging by the giggling, they arent far.

I open a cupboard and Lily smiles up from her spot.

"I found you. Do you want to count now?" I reach my hands in to pull her out, her small hand finding my tattoo on the inside of my wrist.

"Thats a tattoo." I smile. She stares behind me, a questioning look.

I look back finding Harry hovering behind us, Louis in the kitchen helping, so i have no choice but to acknowledge his presence.

In a swift movement, Harry moves his hands, signalling to Lily, i glance back at her where she is smiling back.
She makes a beeline for him, crashing into his arms, a beautiful sound of laughter spilling from her mouth. He picks her up, holding her in his arms, and she wraps her small ones around his neck.

It was such a special scene to watch, especially the growing smile on Harrys face everytime he looks at her. His face fades when he looks back at me, still holding Lily who is poking at his tattoos.

"She's deaf." My stomach drops at Harry's words. My mind jumbling to a puzzle again.

"D-deaf." I repeat.

"We use sign language. But shes getting better at reading lips." He grins down at her. He was signing to her. Thats what hes been doing.
Hes been doing it all night and ive been to stupid to realise. Ive been talking to the poor girl and not even realising she cant understand me.

"Im sorry, i didnt even realise." I mumble, rubbing my arm. This family is obsessed with the idea of not telling important things.

"She says its okay. Her hearing aids help." He pulls back her long hair to reveal the aids i havent noticed all night. Harry watches her move her hands and there is something i admire about the two of them and how invested he is that he knows fluent sign language.

He laughs and im eager to know whats going on.

"She says, your tattoo, reminds her of me." When i look Harry smiles at me, nodding his head like ive done something right.

I laugh lightly, looking down at the 'N', and smiling back at her.

"Hey." A small voice sounds behind me. "Youre meant to find me too, not just Lily, she always gets the attention." Leyton grumbles throwing his head back and pointing at his sister.

He signs something to her and her face screws up in anger.

"Ley! Don't say that." Harry says sternly, and i wait anxiously for someone to tell me whats happened.

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