Chapter 78

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I was in such a sulky mood since Harry had left me alone in his bed 2 hours ago. I was aware that we had a life outside of this relationship but I was feeling extra clingy after we had dropped the L bomb, and wanted to bask in us for as much as I could.

Usually I would sully over to Louis and Amity, but Am was out of town and Louis was out with his parents for dinner. At stratos I'm sure, Rose and Luke were cuddled up on the couch, to which I had no desire to be third wheeling, and Liam was out. So it left me alone to wallow in my sour patch kids and solitude until Harry came home. Which I assumed would be late. He seemed off tonight, but I knew that when he worked at the Gym he was often tired and flat for a while before he chirped up.

I completed another level of candy crush before groaning and padding down to the kitchen to indulge in some more snacks. Frowning at Luke and Rose who had taken into a make out session right before my eyes.

"You guys have a bedroom." I pointed out, feeling grumpy.

Rose darted her head up with a condescending smile.

"So do you."

I rolled my eyes and began to head back up to my lonely corner of the house. I was mid step when the doorbell rang, and I tipped my head back in annoyance.

"Did you guys order food?" I called out through the hall as I swung the door open with a grimace.But that soon faded as I let out an excited squeal.


"M!" She raced in, throwing herself into my arms. Her expensive perfume meeting my nose.

"It's so good to see you! How was home?" I beamed, feeling a little more hospital now that Sara was here. I hadn't seen her in a month and although we had gone through a bit of a rough patch, she had come through and was even supportive of Harry and Is relationship. To be honest, I don't think Sara had genuine feelings for Harry. Not that she had said anyways, but he was the token hot bad boy in town and being under his arm was a bit of a status.

"So good M. But I missed Seattle so much. I thought I would drop by and see you guys."

Rose let out an unusually high pitched scream as she ran in to see the commotion. Sara matching pitch almost equally as they embraced in a hug.

"Sara! You liar! You said you were coming back next week." Rose let out.

"Surprise." Sara smiled brightly and hugged Luke who was rolling his eyes at his girlfriends burst of excitement.

"Good to see you Sara, but that's my queue to hang out with my Xbox for the rest of the night." He pointed behind him and we all let out a laugh. Maybe the night wasn't going to be so bad anymore. We had a bit of catching up to do and although Sara could get on my nerves some times, she was nothing but nice and generous.

"Good. We have way too much to talk about." Rose began pulling at Sara's hand, leading her to the lounge. "Tell me you're staying the night."

Sara pondered in thought for a moment, before shrugging.

"Fine!" She smiled. "But it I fall asleep before 9, leave me be. I just got back this morning and already ditched a party."

Of course Sara had plans as soon as she got back. She was popular, maybe the most popular girl I knew in Seattle, still it was nice that she was here, spending time with us instead.

"Which party? I wasn't invited." Rose piped up, furrowing her brows.

"I don't know. I was in there for a second, dropping Kyla off." She sighed, dropping her bag on the table.

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