Chapter 62

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I stirred, stretching my limbs as I curled my body back against Harry. His soft snores sounded in my ears a long with a well rested nights sleep. If I thought Harry's bed at home was the most comfortable bed I'd slept on, I was very wrong. This bed felt like clouds supporting my tired body, I didn't move an inch in my sleep and for that I was glad for. Yesterday was stress inducing to say the least.... but at least one good thing arose. 

My insides fluttered as my mind reeled with all the words Harry had never said before last night. Pouring his tortured soul out before me and asking me to be his. It seemed right. We could ruin each other, tear our indifferent hearts inside out, but we could also love and learn, nurture and bask in the glory that would be a roller coaster of emotions. Filled with passion that I had never felt with anyone else. Harry made me feel like home, and home was Nora. 

I traced my fingers through his soft hair, his mouth slightly ajar with shallow breaths. He seemed tired, exhausted after a day I knew was hard for him. He could use the sleep, and whatever he needed to do today could wait. 

I shuffled out of his bed, padding to the bathroom where I would let a hot shower wash away any last stresses. My limbs groaned with need for it, recalling that we only made our way to sleep at 5am last night, too busy bathing in all the lust and happiness for one another. 

I smiled sheepishly at the fact that Harry's personal bathroom was more than half the size of my bedroom, a double shower wall with a spa bath. I slung one of the seemingly untouched towels and swooned at the fact that it was already warm from the heated towel rack. A luxury like this was something I could get used to. 


My body felt relaxed with the sun that was cast on Seattle's good weather. I clicked Harry's door shut, leaving him in his slumber as I tentatively trotted down the ridiculous amount of stairs that this house homed. 

"Macy." My name sounded, I stood surprised at the voice that it came from. 

"Am?" I called out, glancing around the levels of the staircase.

"Over here." She called out with a giggle, darting her head out of a room. 

I teetered back up with a smile on my face as she pulled me into a hug, her long blonde hair swept into a tight ponytail.

"Don't tell me you have a room here too?" I joked.

"I'm working on it." She retorted with a wink, pulling me into the room. "I just like to spend time here, its pretty peaceful when the twins aren't running a muck." 

My eyes widened as I stepped into the room. Rows and rows of books lined the dark oak shelves, vinyl chairs and marble top tables stationed around the old fashioned setting. A skylight casting magnificent natural light that reflected off the gold awnings. Little reading crooks, plush with cushions cornered around the space. I felt my jaw go slack at the sight. 

"Leila is an avid book collector. Christopher designed the room when they did the place." Amity swung an arm up gesturing to the homey space. 

"Its beautiful." I stated, trailing a finger down the binding of what looked like a first edition of The Great Gatsby. 

"Feels like home." Amity curled herself into an arm chair.

"I know what you mean." I sat opposite her as she picked at a thread on her top. I could see her eyes pooling with something that wanted to slide of her tongue. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow to which she picked up on swiftly.

"I heard Hades himself is deep in slumber here." She almost grunted, I didn't know how to respond to her and her contempt for Harry. She was one of my best friends, just like Lou, and unfortunately happened to be related also, which meant navigating this whole ordeal was bound to be tricky. 

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