Chapter 102

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Macy was giving me that weird look as we hopped into the jeep. That look that said 'something just happened and you're looking strange'. I probably was. I was feeling a little weird after that chat with Liam. But in a good way, I almost felt helpful....and appreciated with what little words I had mustered up. He had never really looked at me that way, the way a sibling looks at their older brother with gratitude. For the most part of our lives, everyone had treated Liam as if he was the oldest. We are twins, so yes we are the same age, but technically I am the oldest and I'll hold that over his head for as long as we live cause that's the type of person I am, but today it seemed like the roles reversed, and for once I was considered to be.....mature enough to give advice. It felt odd, but it felt good.

"Why do you look like that?" Macy screwed up her face as she smoothed her hair over for the 5th time since we got in the damn car. I'll give it to her though, she looked fucking good in those plaid pants that hugged her legs and a simple black blazer.

"I don't look like anything, this is my face." I shrugged, trying to brush off whatever feeling that was stewing in my chest. Mush. That's what I was turning into, any longer with this girl and she was going to ruin me from the inside out. Clearly I didn't mind that much though.

"Well it's looking weird." She stared at me intently. I averted my attention back to the road before she could study me any longer.

"Your compliments are forever appreciated Macia." I said sarcastically and she let out her beautiful laughter.

Macy went on for the rest of the ride, riddled with nerves about proving herself for this next brief. Her leg was jiggling like crazy and I could tell how anxious she was feeling when she quite literally forgot her middle name. Like she would ever need that information in this situation. I don't know why she was so pressed, she was walking in their with me, and there was not a damn person I didn't think that would be the slightest bit rude to her. If anything they should be intimidated by her. I never let anyone work along side me. For me, yes, but never with me. No one was good enough, and Dad knew my standards were high so he never offered a partner.

By the time I pulled up to the studio, Macias jaw was almost on the ground, her lip quivering in that way that usually made my body shiver with want. But she looked anxious, with her big eyes gazing up at the tall building that was towering over us.

"Angel." I cooed and placed a hand on her leg. "Stop stressing. This will be a piece of cake. You quite literally eat dinner with the CEO all the time. That's more than what any of these grade A ass' do." I smirked. But it did nothing for her shaking hands.

"Harry. I'm just a student. These are actual designers. Real workers. I'm not good enough for-."

I reached forward and clamped my hand over her mouth before she could continue.

"I'll have none of that." I said sternly. Her doe eyes darting down my face. "You're here because you're good enough. Better than a lot of them too. Walk in there with the attitude that you are, and no one will doubt you. Understand?" I cocked an eyebrow and she nodded promptly.

I removed my hand and she let out a worrisome sigh, before inhaling a deep breath.


"No." She breathed, but plastered the widest smile she could muster. "But I know I will be."

I felt a smile on my face, before I reached forward and pressed a kiss on her soft lips.

"Let's do this."

Macia adjusted her bag on her shoulder for the 7th time as we walked up to the glass double doors.

I stopped her as she gazed at me with glossy eyes. I gently nudged underneath her chin.

"Head up." I smiled and she nodded once more.

I pushed on the doors and sullied up to the first entrance, nodding my head at our security.

"Thought you were dead man." Hunter mumbled as he squared his shoulders a little.

"Don't tell me you missed me ass." I chuckled as I walked through the turnstiles, not bothering to even entertain the idea of showing my key ID.

"Could anyone?" He said in his low voice. I ignored his comment and continued down the way before I remember I had the company of Macia, who to my ignorance was looking rather scared as Hunter stopped her in her tracks.

"Is there a problem?" I dropped my tone and folded my arms over my chest.

"ID?" Hunter said wearily.

I rolled my eyes and crossed over to them quickly, taking Macias hand and pulling her through the turnstiles. A little sound of shock escaping her lips.

"She's with me Hunter." I muttered, slightly annoyed. "Macia will be allowed in with or without an ID, understand?" I stared at him blankly, before he gave a prompt nod.

"Of course, my apologies Mr Styles." He offered an apologetic smile. I archer an eyebrow and glanced over to Macia.

"-and to you. Miss-."

I looked at Macy, who to my complete surprise tipped her head up a little and looked up at him under dark eyes.

"Falton. It's no problem Hunter." She said confidently and swished her hair behind her shoulder, before turning on her heel and crossing in front of the both of us. God damn.

Hunter was looking at me just as shocked, I shrugged my shoulders and bumped a fist to his before I followed after Macy with all the blood rushing to my dick and a smile on my face. Maybe she was built to work for me.....No. That woman could rule an empire. Besides me. With me. It's the first time I ever saw a future. One I really wanted.

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