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In a big famous city named Kamino in Japan where everyone chased their dreams and goal to follow in future ahead. In this city there were many good and special things especially education and food. Every commoners life here was not that easy.

'Hello this is reporter Zero Juzo here live with my fellow one and only guest the super phenominal celebrity Mr. Yuno Yaoyoruzu guys make some noise.

*the crowd cheers lowdly.

Yuno chuckles. "Hello everyone present here thanks again for coming" he sais with his millionaire smile which made crowd go more crazy.

"Oh wow see Yuno u have the entire city in going wild well u are that awesome so no offense" zero said.

"Oh thanks zero u r no more than best..right guys the best reporter in this town" Yuno asked the crowd then again everyone were cheering for the zero.

"Ahh..thanks Yuno" zero blushed. "Well today lets discuss why did the most busiest person came here for this interview right guys?" Zero asked.

"Oh come on I'm just old not busy zero,  and yes there is a special announcemet and thats why i came here to announce the world" Yuno cheekily smiled.

"Yes so what is it we are dying here right guys?" Zero exclaimed and crowd too roared. Yuno again laughed.

"Yes I'll makw it real quick no big grand boring speech just important part which I've been to dying to announce well i thought- " Yuno sheepishly rubbed his neck embarrassed that he was mumbling.

"Sorry guys I'll go staright to the point...okay so as you know I'm 35 so old i know..well i always appreciate the love and support you gave me and i love y'all too so dont forget" the crowd cheered at his confession.

"Yeah..so maybe i am going to take a big break for my carrer and focus more on my health and personal life more..cause after many years of working and well....only working i realised my absence of family, friends..well my close ones and i dont give time to them. So before my mother could actually nag me like a baby i decided to take my own decision for going on hiatus just a small one well even i dont know how long or short will it last.." the crowd was attentively listening amd whispering among themselves.

He glanced to zero and again at the crowd. "Guys don't be sad okay I'll comeback thats for sure! And again you'll be able to se my flawless acting,dancing,modeling, and much more more" he smiled and crowd again was in mood for their beloved celebrity.

"Yeah so yeah i wanted to announce my hiatus in this interview and also My favourite cousin.." he said closing his eyes smiling. The crowd were looking at him...even Zero was looking the camera was zoomed on his perfect handsome face.

"Momo Yaoyoruzu my cousin..well many don't know her as she doesn't quite work so publicly well i am her biggest fan" he chuckled. "And my baby cousin is going to follow in my steps and will become an amazing dazzling star more brighter than me and prove you all that she is the cousin of Yuno Yaoyoruzu" he finished witha small bow and smile. The crowd was now readily cheering again.

"Wow well we shall look forward seeing MoMo Yao-" Zero was cutt of by Yuno. "Nope she is YAOMOMO..this is her identity from which she will be looked up upon" he said proudly.

"We need a cousin and a biggest supporter like Yuno guys..give it up for Yuno our country's best phenominal celebrity guys and we shall look forward seeing Yamomo" zero finished. '

"Thanks for watching this interview and stay tuned for more japan updates"

As soon as the news was finished the TV as shut down.
"Wow Yuno really did put alot of burden on you girl" Jiro smirked and chuckled seeing momo burrying herself on the pillows of her bed.

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