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Rei was comforatble on his desk sketching. It really made him soothe his mind and every single worry just he focused on sketching and nothing else when he was alone it also became an unknown habit which he would most likely not share with any one.

*bring bring

Rei glanced at his phone and crooked his eyebrows a full confusion written on his face.

"Why the hell is she calling me now..so freaking early?" He irritately mumbled. Yes it was Momo's call.

"What's wrong now Ms. Love guru?" Rei asked.

"Oh thanks for picking Mr. Arrogant bastard well about our mission i wanted to talk to you" she said in her most normal voice which he kinda wish will stay all the time instead of that bitchy tone she used.

"What mission?" He asked, he knew what but just wanted to annoy her.

"Seriosuly did you fall on the head today Mr. Clumsy its about Kendo and Tako our lovey-dovey couple COME ON HOW COULD YOU-" before her voice could go more loud he interrupted.

"Yeah jeez don't need to scream so early i know what about it you have a plan on how to bring them to confess each other" he exclaimed.

"Yup! So I just got to know a very good person who can help us so..I'll give you address and meet me there cool?" She asked beaming again. Rei can literally imagine how excited she was for this stupid thing but he can't do anything. He sighed.

"Cool. Bye" he ended formally.


Momo released a sigh of relief. She didn't expect Rei to agree she thought he must be busy today but glad that he was not.

"Hey beautiful~" came a voice from behind Momo she turned so fast that she feared that her neck could be crushed. There stood Mina licking a lollipop smirking. 'How is she like this?' Momo must have questioned herself million of times.

"Hey Good morning kid" momo went to her And ruffled her hair. Mina jerked her hand and pouted. "Shutup i am not kid i am 10 goddamnit" Mina exclaimed sadly.

"Wow okay this attitude must have been crossed from your big shit sister i guess" Momo replied to which Mina chuckled and nodded. Yes Mina too did not like Haru thats why Momo and Mina were on good terms.

"Soo where ya going~?" Mina sang and plopped down on the couch carefully observing Momo. Momo then thought of letting Mina too come cause why not! That girl was unexpectedly a help.

"Hey Mina would you like to come with me to somewhere" Momo pleasingly asked, Mina stared at her few times and then smirked. Momo got her answer.


"Hey Kendo don't you think Rei is avoiding us?" Tako questioned making Kendo choke on her drink.

She coughed loudly Tako immediately went and patted her back. "GOD! if that asshole is avoiding us he will surely had a good reason otherwise imma kill him" she said making Tako scared.

"Yeah yeah me too.." He mumbled.

"Well uh..it's sometimes awkward for both of us right?" Kendo whispered under her breath but Tako could hear it.

"Right! Even i think its awkward relationship between us if we are left alone thank the god I am not the only one to think like that" Tako exclaimed happily.

Kendo shook her head and chuckled. " Well Tako would you like to date someone?" She asked  shyly. Tako's eyes widened.

"Holy- are you asking me on a date?"

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