*Caroline's pov*

Walking in a park should be simple.

Especially in a new town where nobody knows you.

My parents had decided just a few weeks ago that we were moving.

They hadn't even told me. I had come home from school one day to find my parents packing our stuff into boxes.

I'd freaked out of course. But then I'd finally given in.

So here we were, in the town of White Chapel.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't see the two boys walking towards me and I ran right into them.

"I'm so sorry! I really wasn't paying attention."

"No worries. We're not hurt. I'm Ethan. This is Benny."


"Are you new to White Chapel?"

"Yeah. My parents and I moved here two days ago."

They both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why would you move here?"

"It was my dad's idea. He kinda grew up here."



Ethan nudged Benny in an attempt to get him to speak.

"You're really pretty..."


"Sorry. He's......I actually don't have an explanation for that."

"Yeah. Listen. I gotta go. But I'll see you guys at school Monday."

"Yeah. For sure."

I left the park and headed home.

I laid on my bed and went through the pictures on my phone. They were of me and my friends from my old school.

I wondered what life would be like now that I was in a new town.

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