**Still Caroline's pov**


2 weeks after everyone had come over, Erica and I were in the park with Ethan and Benny to see if I had made any progress with my blood lust.

"Ok. Ethan, you first."

"Why me?"

"Because if Caroline hasn't made any progess, she's less likely to hurt you. As a human, she was extremely caring. It was her weakness then and it's only worsened now that she's a vampire. If she hurt Benny, she wouldn't be able to handle it. She loves him like I love Dusk. But you're different. She doesn't love you that way."

"Makes sense."

Ethan made his way over to stand in front of me.

"Now remember, Caroline, the goal is to not hurt him. Just like we practiced."

"Got it."

Ethan hesitantly wrapped his arms around me to hug me, making sure his neck was close enough.

"I trust you, Caroline."

He said it so quietly, I almost didn't hear it.

"That makes one of us...."

We stayed like that for just a few seconds. But for me, it felt like hours. Ethan was so close, I could bite him.

Drain every drop of blood from him....

I felt my fangs come out and immediately pushed him away.

"Caroline, are you ok?"

Ethan reached for my arm and Benny and Erica rushed over.

"What happened?"

"She almost bit him. Erica, have you lost your mind? Caroline isn't ready to be near us."

"She resisted. It's progress."

"Not enough. She would have killed him."

"She can't keep practicing with Rory. He likes her almost as much as you do. Watching him desperately try to hook up with Caroline is annoying."

"That's not the point. She nearly killed Ethan."

"Can you both shut up? I'm right here."

Benny looked at me and reached for my hand.

"Sorry. But hey, Erica's right. At least you resisted."

"I didn't want to. I did that for him. Because you're right. I would've killed him. I don't know how to stop."

"But you didn't hurt him. It's just going to take more time."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"It will. Erica's gotten you this far. She'll keep working with you and you'll get better at resisting. You just have to keep working with her."

"Ok. I will. Just not with you or Ethan."

"Well, you can't keep avoiding us. The only way you'll learn to resisting hurting or killing us is if we're here too."

I knew Benny was right. But I wasn't happy to agree with him. I wasn't willing to take the risk, but they were.

"Fine. But I'm not happy about this."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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