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"Shrenk, the babies b crying" Fiona howled. Shrek could imagine her raggy stupid dress, how she tried to steal his job.

"she's not allowed in flavourtown, broski" whispered the hunk, moving his sunglasses to higher on his nek.

"ill get her out." 

shrenk hopped out of the mud bath, flaunting his newly rejuvenated bod. he knew he looked cute. he knew guy was moving his glasses again to make sure he took it all in.

"the babies are dragon food now, send 'em to paula deen. babies wont ruin my career." shrek released his sass

"not again. we already lost four of them that way." fioma was bathing the baby in water cuz shrek didnt let anyone use his mud bath. only true, model ogres were allowed.

"get out of my swamp." he did a little pose, saying his catchphrase. Guy Fierei cheered.

fiaona wrapped the baby with her stupid ragged dress and left. shrek stood there dripping. 

he turns.

guy is in the mudbath. "now this is flavourtown"

swamp in flavourtownWhere stories live. Discover now