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The next morning, Sarah was the first to wake. She gracefully prepared herself in a pink gown, her long black hair glistening as she combed it in front of the mirror. Stefan awoke, and his gaze lingered on the divine sight of Sarah in pink, with her wet, flowing hair. After a brief trance, he collected his thoughts and proceeded to the washroom.

Stefan emerged, impeccably dressed in a blue tuxedo, and noticed Sarah eagerly waiting.

"Ready to head downstairs to Uncle Walter's place? I believe there are a few more rituals for you as the newly welcomed daughter-in-law of the family."

Before tying the knot with Walter's clan, Sarah was fully cognizant of their traditional values and the importance they placed on every ancestral rituals. Without any hesitation, she nodded, and the pair strolled out of Stefan's chamber.

Arriving at Andrew's residential area, they spotted Ashley and Ronald stationed in front of Ronald's chamber, still donned in their attire from the day before. Ronald looked visibly drained with red eyes, and even Ashley displayed dark circles. They were visibly disturbed.

Even though Sarah and Stefan unperturbed by their appearance and presence on their way and kept press on, the unmistakable sound of their heated argument reached the couple effortlessly.

"Ronald, everyone's been wondering where you were all night, and I was getting worried too." Ashley queried with a concerned tone.

However, Ashley's words fell on deaf ears as Ronald was captivated by Sarah, walking hand in hand with Stefan. In that moment, beholding Sarah's beauty, resembling a delicate rose even with a bandage on her head, regret washed over him for the decisions he had made.

Ashley detected Ronald's lingering gaze at Sarah and bitterness swelled within her. She suppressed it, feigning tears in her eyes.

"Ronald, please answer. Don't put me through this."

Ronald was frustrated with Ashley's perpetual tears, he couldn't help and snapped her, "Quit annoying me, Ashley. I don't owe you any explanations; got it?"

He said brusquely and walked into his chamber.

Ashley felt a twinge in her heart from Ronald's harshness, yet she reassured herself as Sarah approached.

"Hurry up, Ashley. As the epitome of tradition, you've got a bunch of rituals to perform, being the cherished daughter-in-law of the Walters, unlike me a modern and broad minded, isn't it?"

Sarah added salt to Ashley's wound and strutted away proudly with Stefan. Despite Ashley simmering with anger, she ignored Sarah's words, holding her trump card in reserve.

Prior to getting ready, Ashley slyly broke into Stefan's chamber, retrieving the recording device she had planted beneath the bed during the previous evening's surreptitious visit.

"Sarah, Stefan, get ready for a reality check. I'm about to expose your sham relationship to the whole family. You both are soaring high; let's see how you handle the fall."

With the recording device in hand, Ashley made her way to her room, devising a plan for the opportune moment to broadcast the content for everyone to hear. She was confident that this could be the key to eliminating Sarah from her life.

"Morning, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt Julia, and everyone," Stefan greeted warmly, and Sarah to followed suit.

"Now, that's what you call the epitome of a Walters clan daughter-in-law. Sarah, you look absolutely radiant," Amy deliberately praised Sarah, casting a spotlight on her beauty. The intentional gesture was aimed at subtly undermining Ashley, who hadn't made an appearance despite it being her first day after marriage with certain rituals to perform.

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