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[Third Person]
Penryn sighed, her slender fingers weaving a plait into her hair slowly. She watched her reflection in the dirty bathroom-mirror, noting the two significant changes- Her normally ice-blue glare was an Orange-yellow colour, her rose coloured cheeks had become pale. She shivered, dreading the worst.
It was about five thirty in the morning, and Clint had woken her up fifteen minutes earlier, forcing her out of bed and down the stairs just so he could tell her that he wasn't going to be home until six in the afternoon but if a man called Coulson came that she should trust him and let him inside the house, 'complying' to whatever he asks. Clint then left, leaving Penryn alone for the day.
Normally, she'd be studying or performing an essay when she had the day to herself, but she couldn't do that, so after she finished braiding her golden hair and brushed her teeth, she went downstairs.
The day earlier, she hadn't really noticed anything about the house, mostly because Clint dragged her upstairs where she told him about what had happened during and before the hospital, and then afterwards he left the house with her and he introduced all of the chickens, cows and sheep to her.
But now, in the cool dawn light, Penryn could see everything.
The egg-yolk coloured door, the Polaroid photos that were undoubtedly from Clints' childhood. She could see the green shag carpet, and the piles of bow magazines that were stacked on top of a brown table, a black bow and exactly fourteen black arrows laying beside the magazines. As she made her way through the landing and into the living room, she noticed the granny-style couch and a table in front of it, a small television sitting on the top, surrounded by different video-game cases, DVDs, and dirty plates littered with crumbs.
Scrunching her nose at the stink of wet dog, she continued on to the kitchen and then the study, and soon she made it back to the landing.
She was well and truly alone in this large house. Even Red-Beard wasn't there, so Penryn made her way back around to the kitchen, throwing open drawers and searched for food.
When she found nothing but peanut-butter, strawberry jam, and bread, she frowned. 'How on Earth could a cupboard so full of food have three things that are not almost empty, past its expiration date, or just disgusting!' She thought, chewing her bottom lip in annoyance.
After deciding to slather peanut-butter onto the stale bread, she left the kitchen and began to trek back upstairs to get dressed.

She emerged from her bedroom dressed fifteen minutes later in a white dress-shirt, red shorts and checkered suspenders, black converse-shoes enveloping her feet. With the sandwich in her hand, she started to tread down the old stairs and out the door, breathing in the crisp morning air. It was already six, Penryn noted, taking a bite of her sandwich as she walked over to the chicken-pen's brown, old fence. She was surprised to see the lively animals already awake and clucking loudly. She pulled herself up and onto the fence, swinging both legs over to sit on the top comfortably.

The low rumble of a car interrupted my thoughts, making me jolt back into reality.
I watched as a red, classic car appeared in the driveway, the small figure of a girl and the figure of an ageing man sitting inside. The girl had a purple mist surrounding her, while the man had a black mist blending in with the girls'. I could hear them talk loudly.
"Coulson, are you sure this is the place? I mean, it looks like an old-person's home." The girl asked as the pair got out of the car, slamming its shiny door.

"Do you really think that I don't know where I'm going, Skye? This farm belongs to Agent Barton, and he said that there was a Superhuman living here. He's told us that she's scared and doesn't trust people easily, so we have to be careful. The reason why I'm bringing you is because I need you to make her like you and talk her into coming with us. She'd be a valuable asset, and Fury is looking for another Avenger." The old man, Coulson, replied.

I could see Skye hesitate, glancing back at the car, "That isn't right, Phil-,"


"Coulson. She's a human being, yes she's scared but I doubt that she would want to come with us. She'd respond better to Simmons or May..."

"May isn't good with the whole touchy 'talking you through' thing, and Simmons can blow things out of proportion. You're better suited to this job." Coulson interrupted the girl, and then started to walk towards the house door.
Job? Asset? Where would they be taking me? Why? Thoughts flew around my mind, making tears force themselves to my water-line, and as hard as I tried to blink them away, three tears made their way down my cheeks. I brushed them away quickly, grimacing at the damp feel they left on my cheeks.
They were about a meter away before the girl started to point towards me, and I stiffened, turning my head instantly, pretending that I hadn't noticed them.
I whipped back around when I heard the man coughed.
"My name is Phil Coulson, and this is Skye. Are you miss Penryn Barton?" He asked, and I looked him up and down.
He was wearing a suit and a red tie with pale stripes running diagonally down it. He had a kind face, with black sunglasses shielding his eyes. The girl, Skye, was wearing a purple shirt and denim jeans, and was very tanned. She had brown hair and eyes, and pink lips.
"Um... Yes?" I answered, jumping off the fence. "Clint said that you might come."

"He was correct. Can we speak to you inside, please?"

I frowned, glancing at me feet, "Uh... I guess so, this isn't actually my house, anyway..."
Coulson nodded, a huge smile etched in his face, "Lead the way."

That was chapter six~ I hope you enjoyed :D
This is dedicated to @Icespade 'cause she's an amazing unicorn <3

Most chapters will be this length or shorter :) Votes, comments, etc, are all appreciated :D

Thanks for reading, bye~

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