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(Elly, my other OC, looks like Genevieve Padalecki/Cortese, picture on the side/top, depending on the device you're using c:)


I was watching down upon seven or eight people. They were all laughing and talking, smiles on their faces.
There was a giant hammer on a wooden table, and two men - A pale-skinned man with black hair and a goatee, and a darker man - were trying to pick it up.
"So, if I pick this up, I become the ruler of Asgard?" The black-haired man asked, grasping the end of it.
"Well, of course!" A blonde-haired man laughed, he was extremely muscular.
The other man grinned at the other man, "Okay, on the count of three."

As they bent down to pick it up, everything went black, and my vision was still darkened as a horrible voice floated through my mind.
"You're all puppets," His voice was horrifying, and it reminded me of metal grinding on steel, "Tied up in strings..."
The voice left, but came back as fast as it left.
"There are no..." I heard a wheezing noise, "Strings on me!"
And then I felt something.
I was being shaken.
"Penryn!" I heard someone call my name, but it was distant. Quiet. It was as if I was under water and they were calling for me, trying to get me to swim.
"Penryn!!" The voice yelled, and it was becoming more clear as the voice continued.

My eyes flew open, and I was greeted by light. I couldn't see very well, everything was fuzzy, but I could make out a shape.
The shape screamed, and I rushed to get up onto my feet.
I felt a weight on my chest, and I started coughing violently. I hadn't realized how much my head hurt, it was like someone was ripping it open from the inside.
I took three gulps and blinked twice, but nothing was changing. My vision was still blurred, and my throat was drier than the Gobi desert.
"Penryn, it's okay. It's Elly. You've been out for a good hour or so, and I've called an ambulance. They'll be here soon, so in the mean time just try to sit up, okay?"
I tried to nod, but my limbs were heavy and felt like lead.
"Okay, on the count of three I'll help you up, okay? If you can, try and tell me what happened."
She counted to three, and then helped me sit up. She handed me a bottle, I couldn't make out its features, but Elly helped me raise it to my mouth and I took an enormous swig of it.
"What happened?" I croaked out, licking my dry and cracking lips.

"Well, I was waiting for you to come home for about an hour, and you didn't call or return my texts, so I knew something was wrong. I ran here, to find you passed out. I don't know what you were doing, but there was glass everywhere and there was a pool of water beside your satchel, so I called the ambulance. That was about twenty minutes ago, so they're probably going to be here in the next five minutes or so."

I blinked, thoughts racing around my head, "Was there any smoke? Steam? Anything like that?"

"No. Just water, and blood, why?"

"Because I was experimenting with that acidic steam-solvent thing, you know what Doctor Ee said, that stuff is poisonous... I must have breathed it in or something, oh no. No no no no no. Was I wearing the mask and goggles?"

"You've got a concussion, 'Ryn, you might have ripped them off."

"So where were they?"

"The mask was hanging by your chin, your goggles were pushed off and lying in the pool of water."

My eyesight was coming back, and I looked around the room.
She was right, there was a pool of blood and water by my satchel, and glass was smashed a meter away. I could see the goggles in the water, and I shivered.
"Elly... " I started, but she cut me off.
"Ryn, it'll be alright, the doctors will know what to do, okay? You'll be fine. I promise."

I sighed, "You better be right."
And then I passed out.


"And what was the chemical that you were using?" A nurse asked me.
I was in a Hospital bed at about seven in the morning. I was sharing a room with five or six other people, all of which had different reasons for coming, I knew that because I could see different coloured smoke around each of them. I hadn't noticed it on Elly, but every sick and injured person in this retched place had a colour. Some were blue, some red or green. But the one I saw most was black. I hadn't told anyone because I they would probably think that I had a concussion or brain injury, which I probably had, but paying more than what I have to wasn't something I wanted to do.

"I don't know the name." I bit my lip, "I know it was an acidic substance, in the form of steam or smoke. I had a cover over the top of the flask, and I was wearing a safety mask before I fell, so I shouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Alright, sweetie, I'm going to have to get your parent's phone numbers, so they know what happened. Can you give them to me?"

I sighed, telling her the home phone number, and I watched as she called them.
"Hello, miss Barton... Oh sorry, miss Robertson. This is Abigail Lorenson from Manhattan Hospital, I have your daughter here, she's hit her head quite badly and she's got an unknown chemical in her blood stream... Yes.... Mm-hmm... Of course.... Visiting hours are between nine and five, so you can come during those times... Of course... Yes, I'll hand the phone over to miss Penryn."

She passed me the phone, and I took it.
"Hey, mum."

"Penryn, we're going to have to come so we can pull you out of school, okay? It is really, really important that you stay where you are, we are going to come and see you around midday, so we will see you then, got it?"

"Mum, please, please don't pull me out of College, I'm on my second last year, and finishing my schooling means everything to me."

"I am sorry, Penryn, but we have to. It is for your own safety and well-being. We will discuss this later, okay?"

"Okay. See you then. Bye." I hung up, annoyed that they were pulling me out of school.
I passed the phone back to the nurse, and she left without another word, leaving me with my computer.

That was chapter 3:) I hope you enjoyed it :D
Comments, votes, constructive criticism, etc, are all greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading :) Bye!

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