
385 20 12

Unedited- sorry.

I had set fire to a sheet.
How did I set fire to a sheet?
I don't know- The laws of physics are completely against being able to set fire to anything without a practical thing, and not by getting mad.
Yes, in the past there has been a few instances where someone could 'see' into the future, burst light bulbs when they entered the room, or set fire to things with a thought, but I wasn't those people. I was Penryn Grace Barton, the orphan girl who is -was- studying Nuclear Physics. The girl whose brothers probably don't even think about. I'm not anything special. Just Penryn Barton.
I spent two of the three days I was traveling in a daze, trying to figure out how I'd light bedding on fire as I boarded to wherever it was that I was going when I saw it.
It was a farmland.
I was standing in front of a gate to a medium-sized farm.
There was a large sign swinging above me with big, scrawly letters spelling 'Hawk-Eye's Ranch.' Beyond the sign was a long row of fences that were parallel to each other and all made of dirty wood, leading to different chicken and cow pens.
At the end of the track was a rather large house. It was a pale yellow colour, and looked quite like the houses you see on British T.V, two-stories high and cozy-looking. There was a porch, decked out with a television, which I had no idea how the owner had reception for that this far out, a rocking-chair and a whole bunch of Fairy Lights that were strung up and down the poles that held the porch's roof up.
I yanked out my headphones, pushing them into my pocket, before starting to walk towards the house, hoping that the owner wasn't home.

I took a bite of my sandwich, watching the T.V when I heard scampering down the hallway.
Regretfully, I swallowed the mouthful of chicken I had been chewing, getting off the sofa and getting into a crouch.
"What is it, Red-Beard?" I called, referring to my dog. I saw the golden retriever run straight past the living room and upstairs, and heard crashing as he ran into the numerous pictures of Nat and my two siblings.
Swearing, I switched off the T.V, dropping my amazing sandwich on the clean floor, and ran upstairs, watching as Red-Beard scampered around the landing, bumping into more things before sprinting downstairs, scratching the door and whining.
Swearing, I picked up my favourite, and now smashed, photo- Barry, my younger brother, and Penryn, my little sister, were grinning at the camera in a small garden. Penryn was one at the time, but she was a very advanced toddler, while Barry was three. They were both on a swing-set, and my hands were wrapped around Barry's waist. There was a large crack splitting Barry and I apart from Penryn, making it look as if she'd disappeared from our lives.
Which she had.
I was snapped out of my daydream when I heard someone enter my house, spinning around when I heard a voice.
| placed my hand on the hilt of the gun I always keep in my belt, raising it slowly. "Who are you?" I asked, holding the gun so that it was clear I was wielding the weapon and knew how to use it.
Her head snapped up. She had goldeny-brown hair, and it was all falling onto the left side of her head. She had dull blue eyes and full lips, and reminded me of my mum. When she noticed the gun, her hands shot up, and surprise was evident in her facial features. It was obvious she wasn't afraid, but shocked.
"My name is Penryn Barton," She spoke quickly, "I thought this place was abandoned. Sorry..." She bent down slowly, watching Red-Beard as he leapt around her, "Is he friendly?"

Furrowing my eyebrows together, I nodded. She dropped one hand to pet Red-Beard, smiling softly as he whimpered, before she straightened back up and started to walk backwards, opening my door.
"I'm sorry... I'll leave now... Bye.." The girl, Penryn, muttered.

"You can stay, if you want. Red-Beard seems to like you," I smirked, "But you'll have to tell me who you are, actually, and why you're here. Alright?"
She nodded, and started to close the door.

Short chapter, sorry.
I won't update much because assignments and homework but I'll try :)
This is dedicated to @Mayo26 'cause she's an awesome unicorn <3
Votes, comments, etc, are all greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading ~

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