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Unedited- Sorry.
"So... I'm a mutant?" I asked, disbelief clear in my voice.
I was sitting on an uncomfortable chair in Clint's kitchen, facing Coulson and whatever the girl's name was. They had gotten me to tell them what happened, and what my 'powers' were. I told the truth, but to keep them from thinking I was weird, I left out the part about the colours and invisibility.

Coulson shook his head hastily, "No. No, that's not what we meant. You said you were involved in an accident in a lab?"

"I said that I fell over and breathed in a chemical. Scientifically, I shouldn't have powers because of the chemical's, and my, atom structure." I corrected, babbling on.

"We know, that's why we want you to come with us. We need to figure out exactly what's wrong with you and, maybe, try to harness your abilities."

"Can you take the powers away?" I questioned.

If these people want to take me away, then they would be S.H.I.E.L.D., and they were the bad guys... But if these people were HYDRA... According to the news, then they might be telling the truth... But what if I was wrong both ways? These people might just be doctors, or scientists...

"We can try if that's what you want." Coulson nodded at me, "Skye isn't a scientist, and I'm not either, but we have many scientists that can help you."

"Wait, so you two aren't scientists... Do you work for a hospital? At a lab?"

"No." Coulson frowned.

"So you're... What, exactly?"

"We are from S.H.I.E.L.D.. We're here to help you." Skye answered.
I blinked, trying to maintain a blank face.

"But S.H.I.E.L.D's bad... You tried to take down a whole state, it was on the news last year!" I exclaimed, inching away from them.

Skye laughed, "No," She said through giggles, "No. We're the good guys."

I frowned, still unsure of everything they were telling me. "What's S.H.I.E.L.D., then? I heard your conversation when you were getting out of your car- How would I be an Asset? Who's Fury? And what the hell are the 'Avengers'?"

Coulson grimaced, "Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a world-wide agency sworn to protect the Earth. HYDRA was a world-wide agency that wanted to rule the world. It's a really long story, I'm sure that we can explain it later,
"To answer your second question, because S.H.I.E.L.D. is world-wide, each continent needs a 'boss,' someone who runs everything in that place, and Director Fury runs the United States' S.H.I.E.L.D..
"For your third question, we have been gifted with several amazing people who are willing to protect the Earth with their lives- The Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, Falcon, Spiderman and The Winter Soldier. Some of these people have powers or have been engineered for greater things, and others are fantastic people who are better than amazing at what they do. You might remember some of these people from the fight of Manhattan. I'm certain you've heard of Iron Man and The Hulk, not so sure about the others, I don't really know.
"Lastly, if we can stabilise your powers, Director Fury and the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. want you to join the Avengers, or at least my team of special agents. With your abilities, you would be welcomed with open arms and receive state-of-the-art training, or if you prefer, you would be able to stay in a lab and continue your education from our best scientists. Of course, you would fight alongside the Avengers, but you wouldn't get so much training."

I nodded, chewing on my lip.
I liked the sound of most of that, apart from the part about 'protecting the world with my life,' but I would never admit that to anyone.

"So, are you willing to come with us?" Skye asked, her brown gaze staring into my own.

"Yes, I think so..."

"Good. Get your things, we'll meet you here." Coulson grinned.

I nodded, leaving the table.
I came downstairs five minutes later, my bag over one shoulder and penny-board in my other hand. I had pulled a blue and red polka-dot jumper over my shirt, and smiled at Coulson, who was twirling his key-ring. I saw it had two keys in it, one red and one blue, with a small pendant in between them. When I got closer, I noticed it was a Captain America shield- Elly had one of those, I remembered.
He glanced at the pendant, "I really like Captain America," He gave me a toothy smile, before turning to walk out the door.
I followed Skye and him out to his red, topless car and got in, noting the plush feeling of the seat.
"You might want to zip up that bag and hold onto it. Secure the board with the other seat-belt, too. Make sure you've got your own seat-belt on tightly." Skye looked over from the front passenger seat, smiling softly.
I did as I was told, and then heard the soft rumble of the car's engine.
Before I knew it, we were defying the laws of gravity. "This is supposed to be impossible!" I laughed, "Only planes and helicopters have the right engines to do this!"

"I know!" Coulson shouted back, "That's why Lola here has those engines!"

I made an O shape with my mouth, making a mental note to check those out. I know very little about cars, but to engineer engines with enough power yet small enough to fly an object as dense as a car would have to be important for human technologies in the future.
I watched in awe as the ground grew further away, and the car flew towards the vast blue sea-line in the distance.

Sorry for the slap-dash chapter, I kinda wanted to get this part out of the way ^.^
Comments, votes, constructive criticism, etc, are all appreciated!
Thanks for reading!~

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