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Clint and Natasha were standing side-by-side in Stark Tower's cream-coloured kitchen.

Natasha was sipping coffee, despite it being about midday, and Clint was slathering peanut butter onto a cheese-sandwich, occasionally muttering things about Red Beard.

"I'm telling you, Nat," He suddenly piped up, placing the peanut butter-covered slice of bread on the cheese slice of bread, "She's definitely my sister. Her name, Penryn Barton, her eyes, her hair, for God's sake! She's almost undeniably my sibling."

"Clint, if you think that way, then why not get the doctors to do a DNA test?"

Clint sighed dramatically, "I can't do that, Nat, she'll know something's up!"

"Well what do you want me to do about it? Get her to spill her entire back story to me?"



"Yes. Obtain 'level four friendship' or something and get her to tell you about her life!"

"No. Clint, that's creepy. Can't you just ask her if she has a brother called Clint and do whatever siblings do?"

"No. Nat, that's creepy." Clint replied, mocking her tone. He dropped his head, resting it between his hands dramatically. "I just don't know what to do!"

"Clint, you dumbass, just ask her if she had a freaking sibling!" Natasha shouted.

"That's it!" Barton's head shot up.


"I'll ask her if she's got a sibling!" Clint yelled.

"Oh for God's sake, Clint." Natasha sighed, exasperated, before storming out of the room.


I'm sorry for this tiny chapter, it's kinda a filler.
The next chapter will be longer, I promise~
Thanks for reading!!

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