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— april ; first semester

At the ripe age of 19, Hinata Shouyo had never felt so angered all his life over someone.

Hinata is a very simple person, he got into a very good university in Japan with all his dreams right in his back. He got awesome roommates, has a part-time job at a nearby cat cafe, life's great!

"Stupid! Stupid! Dummy!" he groaned as he leaned his head back, "Here we got you some ice, Hinata.." a male with silvery hair walked behind him and slapped his hand with an ice pack.

"'enk yuh Sugawara zan-" his nouse was lightly pressed against something which causes his voice to falter, Suga snickered.

"Who was that guy anyway?" He sat beside him, "I don't even know! I just wanted to give them a flyer!" Hinata took the ice pack away from his nose, and put it back in again, he sulked, he wasn't even supposed to be here, he's taking a major in dancing with his bestie Kenma, so was he here?

Honestly, even Hinata himself doesn't know that answer.

"I'm sorry you got hit by that, Hinata." Suga smiled apologetically, "You'll get a 50% discount out of everything." he winked, Shouyo looked appalled, not even for free!

"...and I'll let you have free meat buns for every purchase."

Well, could be worse.

They sat in their little booth, selling out free cupcakes and even fortune cookies!

"Sorry I'm late!" both males turned their heads towards a panting freckled man, "You missed the introductions! And the hotties that went by!" Suga poked Yama's side aggressively.

"You looked like you swam to school," Hinata pointed out, the greenette rolled his eyes and sat in a nearby chair, "I saw a dog earlier, running around." he opened his bag to drink his water with 5 full gulps, "..and- and he kept following me. S'we kept him in the house." 

Suga visibly scowled, "Ew. What if it had rabies?"

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes, "He doesn't have any...I think."

Suga and Hinata shrugged at that, neither knew if it were naivety or sheer kindness.

Shouyo looked out to the field, looking at most faces he barely recognized. He only knew Kenma, Suga, and Yamaguchi since he met them throughout high school and managed to be friends. After graduation, he set his priorities straight, have a medal in the league ballet championship, and eat the best meat bun he'd ever tasted in the entire world.

A lot of people know Shouyo for being that kid that got hit by a volleyball on National News.

He was 6 at that time, watching volleyball, and happened to notice a nice lady reporting about the whole situation, and out of curiosity, he waddled his little 6-year-old limbs to that area to say hi to the T.V, as he was about to say something, he got bonked by a volleyball right in the face.

That clip can still be found on YouTube today, ranking about 24 million views in total.

Other than that, most people knew him for being, 'carrot-top', 'red head', 'bright hair', 'annoying orange', the list goes on.

His friends knew him for having a passion for dancing, he loved it with all of his beings. Whenever he danced he felt free, so, so free. With each pirouette, he'd felt like a bird flying up in the sky! Now he's here, taking that seriously, and got himself into a good school. There's the fun part, you see, Hinata isn't the smartest, so how did he get into a good school you might ask? He got a scholarship!

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