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- april ; first week

Kageyama groaned for the umpteenth time and disheveled his hair. He's been rehearsing his lines for approximately 25 minutes in the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped in his abdomen.

"Hey, your majesty a peasant needs to use the bathroom!" Tsukishima banged the bathroom door, Tobio gritted his teeth in irritation.

He'll try again tomorrow, for now, he'll settle on the internet.

Opening the door, he muttered a meek apology, Kei clicked his tongue and slammed the door shut.

It had been a week into his journey thru university, it had been a living hell.

On the next day of the little meet and greet, they already began. It was a battlefield, and Tobio's the enemy.

He didn't know what was up with him, or the people around him, but none of them hung out. He was wondering who was the lonesome loser in the room just a while ago, but now he thinks he's the lonesome loser in the room.

Their lessons weren't as easy as he thought it would, everything seemed to be tumbling down right off the bat. He doesn't even know there were 50 plus types of sauces! They were starting at the basics, basic food etiquette, knowing the difference between utensils. Today was a Wednesday, so they'll be doing that experiment in the main kitchen, live. One mistake, you restart everything.

His anxiety just rose from that thought and completely forgot what he studied.

He was lacking on a few cookbooks that were needed, he's scared he might be so fucked he's gotta ask Tsukishima for assistance. He only needs books though, but the thought of asking him? No thanks.

He grabbed a few clothes, such as his usual shoes, sweatpants, and a hoodie. He took the textbooks from his bed and plopped them all inside his bag. He usually leaves first than Kei, he doesn't mind that. Tobio got outside and left his messy room, even his mind is messy.


Tobio glared at Muggie, the elder opened the fridge and crouched down for a pint of milk, he finds it ironic, he's a culinary student and he's having milk for breakfast.

"Woof! Woof!" Muggie ran his little legs around his owner, jumping up at him to ask for milk. He sighed, pouring half a bowl into his dog bowl. Tobio sat at the kitchen table, eyes perked up once Kei got out of the bathroom. He's a neat person, he got out with clothes already on and just a towel hung loosely on top of his blond hair.

They didn't speak, Kei kept his usual scowl, Tobio finds him funny when he doesn't wear his glasses.

Once done with his drink, he threw it in the bin right beside it, "I'm leaving!" he gave out a yell, walking out of the area. "Woof!" Muggie smiled dumbly. Kei yelled out some sort of muffle, he'd assume it was a 'okay'. So he left.

It was a good day today, the sun shone just right, and the clouds just shielding the right rays. He walked the path, somewhat happy.

Maybe he'll buy himself two milk boxes for good luck.

He got inside the university, he seemed early. He liked that.

Despite having a shitty 3-day, he was early.

And that was all that matters.

He knew they'll be working in the kitchen today, so he went and opened his little booklet of the map to school, he followed it like how he would when he plays Wheres Waldo. He reached the kitchen, a few other people were already there. He can hear the light clanks of silverware, and the sharping of a knife's edge left a satisfying ting in his ears.

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