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Kageyama looked at the mess right in his bed, papers dishevelled and markers splayed here and there, he managed to get what he wants, despite the constant visits and food tastes he has to get Hinata, this charade had been going on for 5 days and he could feel his sanity going down if he hears Hinata say 'shaboom'. He learned that he was easy to please, Hinata liked simple foods, like McDonalds' happy meal, so far he's been feeding Hinata chicken nuggets and making him 'meat buns'.

No, scratch that, Hinata has a specific way of eating meat buns. Kageyama pressed his cheek against his palm, using his left elbow for the support. Using the other hand to grab a pencil lying in the corner, drawing a meat bun and trying to doodle on Hinata's orange moppy hair. He could hear his voice banging in his ear. Grabbing a highlighter, but in the color of neon pink, Kageyama colored in the hair, using the power of his imagination to think of it as orange instead.

Whilst coloring in, he closed his eyes, lazily recalling Hinata's dance steps. The way his back was arched, he moved gracefully, so perfect. He widened his eyes. Blushing.

Then he smashed his book and ripped that meat-bun-Hinata drawing and threw it into his bag. "Fucking dumbass!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to use your inside voices, King?!" Tsukishima yelled from his room. Oh curse these thin walls, "You dont sound like you arent using those inside voices, either!" he yells back, twice as loud. Kageyama heard the other curse a string of curses, while he pouted and crossed both his arms.

He begins to panic as his minds wavers back to the though of Hinata dancing. Crazy enough he thought maybe one day Hinata would dance for him. He stands up, bringing a thud at the room.

He's gotta forget about Hinata, and fast.

Tobio's past time thing was always sitting in the corner of the room watching volleyball. Either outside, or the television. He looks at the side of his bed, Hinata's — now washed clothes were neatly folded and ready to be given. After their latest encounter Kageyama never indeed had the balls to look in his face directly, after being caught staring (oogling) by Hinata of all people, he would ignore his mere presence.

Hence, the hoodie issue.

As if on cue, his phone buzzed. Kageyama was the type to have the bing of his notifications off, and have the vibrations on. He went to see who it was, his brows furrows at the notifaction.

' 1 message from an unknown number '

He remembers one of those things his dad has sent him through via Facebook. About not answering numbers such as these. But curiosity irked inside of him, and he just couldn't not ignore this now can he?

He doubled tapped the notification and it led him to his messages.

' > unknown: heyyy kageyaamaaaaa !!! 😀 oikawa san gave me ur phone no. now gimme my jacket! meet me in the dworms 😎 😎😎😎😁'

Somehow, Kageyama wasn't surprised that Hinata overused emojis. He furrowed his eyebrows once more. 'How did he get my number? ' he sat up, then tapped on the keyboard.

' > unknown is typing ... '

' > kageyama tobio: How the fuck did you get my number? '

' > unknown is typing ... '

' > unknown is typing ... '

Just how much is this dumbass typing? Kageyama thought, for a little moment he chided a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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