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— april ;

Kageyama Tobio would always have nightmares, and it would always lead to him waking up in the middle of the night, or in this case, 3 am.

He had another one of his usual scares, having the same dream of being in a mountain, alone, as it was slowly breaking to bits. He would always wake up with cold sweat and he'd be breathless. He was starting to consider meeting a doctor but Uni's too uptight for that at the moment.

He got used to this at this point, he went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of milk.


He stiffened and quickly turned around, his mind immediately thought of ghosts and all those horror movies Kei has watched during this middle school years. "A-Ah- Tsukishima-san." he stood awkwardly. "What are you doing up late?" the smaller male smiled sheepishly, "I couldn't sleep quite well sorry, probably the meds." the male sat at a table, "In fact, what are you doing up this late? You have a flight tomorrow." Kageyama drank his milk like a champ.

He wasn't very comfortable with Tsukishima-san yet, and the other understood that. But he must admit he found it very terrifying being left with the other, it wasn't something the other had done, but maybe it was the fact that his fathers' lover. Or the fact it was Tsukishima's father.

"Are you scared?"

Tobio choked on his milk.

"Of course not."

"Culinary is quite interesting.." he smiled, the raven could feel the heavy atmosphere. "Well..I know you can do it. You're Tobio." the adult male hugged him, Tobio leaned back, submitting to that hug. "Thank you.." Akio smiled, "I'll hurry along." he went back upstairs.

Kageyama went back to his room and flopped on his bed, staring at the same ceiling filled with dolphin glow-in-the-dark stickers he placed there since he was a kid, then drifted to sleep.


"Are you sure you won't be needing that?" Kags looked at the blanket covered in milk patterns, his hand quivering.


An elder version of Kageyama Tobiyolo stood right next to his junior, seriously you couldn't tell them apart. The only difference was probably the slight wrinkles and the colors of his hair.

"Don't you at least want to put it in as some sort of decoration?" he paused to think for a moment, then looked up again, "Nah."

The elder sighed, "Do whatever, son." he sat on his bed, making it have a light creak. Looking up at the baby blue walls, there were strands of wallpaper that got stuck out, some were torn apart. Kageyama and Tsukishima had a history of petty fights which include tearing each other's walls down.

Tobio had never really been a troubled child, he follows his parents' steps, of course, his father's, all he did was follow what they say. Although today's different, he's most definitely troubled.

Especially when his father asks that question.

"Are you going to meet your mother?"

He stopped packing, slowly looking back, and stared at his old man.

His father wasn't so calm and collected as he was now, he had his affairs before, the faintest memory of that incident. He was 4, he could still remember, watching volleyball from the sidelines with his stuffed bear, eyes glimmering whenever he'd hear a ball hit the ground, his father was the one coaching the team, he'd always watch and wait. After that, they went to the mall, a little routine they always do, although this time seemed different.

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