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— april ;

Hinata did one more pirouette and landed right in his heel, he let out a curt bow and did another again.

"You're doing it too much."

A voice was boomed amidst the classical music, he looked up, it was Kenma.

"Kenma!" he smiled and ran to his bestie, the said blonde pushed away, not wanting a single strand of that sweat. "You're working too much," he repeated. Hinata shrugged, "Nah it's not much. Have you heard?!" he began to jump up and down aggressively. Kenma hummed, "Here." he gave the other a box of what seemed to be mochi. "Sweet!" he didn't hesitate to dig in.

Today was the day where the teachers would be here to check up on the chosen ones, Shouyo felt his heartbeat again, oh he wants to be the chosen one.

He practiced all he could, letting the music flow into his veins. He loves to dance, everything about it.

He never managed to express himself well, considering the best he could be 'boing boing', 'gwah', 'wabam!" but when he dances, it's readout so well.

He began dancing when his sister was forced to join ballet with him, she was too shy, and he was a kind big brother, though, after that 1-hour session, he felt the wind slap him so hard he saw his dream. Since then, he'd always want to dance on stage, people clapping and throwing roses at him.

That was all he could remember and the rest was history. This could be his chance, he could be able to finally reach his dream and take his dancing seriously.

"How are you? I heard all about it." Shouyo grinned despite his mouth filled with the said mochi. "It's cool-" he gulped down, "We get to dance and shaboom! Then- then- three lucky people- three lucky people get to have a scholarship, Kenma," he spoke those words as if it was the most sacred thing.

Well, it kinda was.

Kenma knew his dreams, knew them since he was on that stepping stone too.

He's met Hinata when the both of them were at dance class at high school, and it just kind of clicked for them there. Kenma took ice skating, though Shouyo wanted to be the one of ice, twirling around a good stage. Based off on his observations, Hinata can be dedicated. Sometimes a little too much, but what's got dedication against you? That would be a good thing, he thought. Kenma never questioned how Shouyo

He didn't ask any more questions and let it be.

He was starting to sense the determination in Shouyo's eyes while the other kept munching on his mochi.


The sound of knives against wooden boards could be heard in the room, the smell of fresh onions crisp and a few crinkles from plastic would be present most of the time. Kageyama grabbed a towel and gently dabbed it on his sweaty forehead. He focused his eyes on the meal he was doing, a simple deep-fried crab leg paired with sushi and onigiris. He wasn't creative today, so he settled with that.

He looked up at their ticking clock, 5 more minutes until he should be done. He was not waiting for his crab meat to settle in, he got the idea one time when he was face timing his dad and they were out on a little trip, eating at Lobster House, he suddenly thought of deep-fried crab legs and here he was.

He added q pinch of lime for seasoning and paired it up with chives.

Their professor walked beside him, eyeing the dish, it wasn't entirely unusual, but he must admit it wasn't those things you get to see all the time. "How are we doing, Kageyama?" he asked.

"Good," Tobio grunted, "Just need more time to simmer the- the dish." he gestured vaguely. The chef nodded, then left to examine more of his students' food. Kageyama needs to work on his socializing skills. As if there were any of those skills, to begin with.

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