All These Scars ★ Alphaholic

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All These Scars written by _inkedsolace

Reviewer : alphaholic


Title: 8/10

Blurb: 9/10

Cover: 8/10

First chapter: 7/10

Character development: 7/10

Plot: 8/10

Grammar: 9/10

Writing style: 7/10

Creativity: 6/10

Enjoyment: 7/10


TOTAL: 76/100



➼ I really liked your blurb, it has an appeal to it that would draw readers in. However, it says: 'the boy she once thought was heartless, might just have a heart'. From the short peeks that we have seen of Levi, he doesn't appear to be heartless at all, just reserved. He's not cruel to her, just distant and in the restaurant scene from chapter 4, even though he is a bit rude about Athena, it doesn't give 'bad boy' vibes.

 ➼ Your writing style is unique and very descriptive, like how you capitalize some words for emphasis. Really adds depth to Sadie and her personal thoughts.

➼ There are also a few characters introduced and whilst I was okay with it, it seemed that some of your readers might have been confused but I guess you already saw that as you respond to comments (yay :)).

➼ Your chapters are short and enjoyable but that also means it a very quick read (under five minutes for the average reader, even less if they read fast). I think you should flesh out your chapters a little but if short and sweet is the style you're going for then never mind.

➼ Write your numbers in words so not 5, but five. Having numbers randomly thrown in just seems out of place.

➼ Grammar is very good, hardly any mistakes!!!

➼ Whilst your story is based on the cliché trope of 'high school and enemies to lovers' and the typical 'ex-BFF turned enemy', I do like the additional details you give like how Levi is an artist and how Athena isn't the typical cheerleading BFF but also has a personality (in the sense that she isn't always 'supporting' Sadie and is always typically sweet, but she can be mean too and likes someone the total opposite of herself).

➼ Dialogue is really well written and the descriptive way you describe speech is really refreshed and spices up 'she said/he said'.

➼ Overall, I think this was a short yet interesting read. Maybe respond more to comments to build your relationship with your readers and keep up the good writing! I think I might just finish up the few chapters too as why not lol. Also, I need to learn more about this mysterious boy XD ❤️


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