Between The Stars ★ Alphaholic

38 3 9


Between The Stars written by rainbow_indigo02

Reviewer : alphaholic


Title: 8/10

Blurb: 9/10

Cover: 9/10

First chapter: 10/10

Character development: 8/10

Plot: 10/10

Grammar: 9/10

Writing style: 8/10

Creativity: 9/10

Enjoyment: 9/10


TOTAL: 89/100



➼ Firstly, the blurb is really good. It really draws in the reader and the ending line is simply perfect.

➼ I love the quote on the book. That was absolutely amazing. I would suggest adding some space between 'she said' and 'I love you' because I didn't realise at first. But when I did realise, I was like whaaatt XD

➼ Your first chapter was phenomenal. I really enjoyed reading it. There is a lot introduced and I can see how much effort you've put into your story.

➼ You have a very vivid way of storytelling, your prose is so descriptive that you can really imagine what you're reading. Sometimes it can be a little too much description especially when the adjectives take up most of the paragraph but that's not too much of a problem.

➼ I think you need to break up your paragraphs a little. When reading on Wattpad, text is formatted into a thin, long column so what may seem like a normal paragraph on your document looks like a huge chunk of text to readers. Look for a break in the paragraph and split it there to make the text more digestible.

➼ Also, write your numbers as words! It looks a lot better and more professional when you do so. Again not a major problem but something you should look out for.

➼ Your grammar was exceptionally good. There were very few mistakes, hence the nearly full marks :) 

➼ There were a few places were you had an extra space or didn't put spaces between dialogue. You need to re-read your work to pick out those small mistakes which seem mostly like accidents.

➼Also, there is an odd spacing at times. I was debating whether mentioning it or not but I decided if I noticed it, others will. PM me if you want and I'll tag you where I notice it.

➼ I love your author notes at the end - they really add that sweet personal touch and I enjoyed reading them. 


I really enjoyed reading and may check your book out again when there are more chapters. I feel like it makes a very good dystopian novel with a lot of conflict and a deep plot. Good luck with writing!


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