Chap:3 Little baby

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Eva's POV

I looked at Mark.

" Mark,  my dad is calling. I need to pic-"

"It's ok. Please pick it up", he said with a weak smile.

I nodded and stood up as I picked up the call.

" Hello, dad".

"Hello, princess. Where are you?  I and your mom can't see you anywhere ", he said.

" Umm dad. Dad I am in hospital ".

" What?!! Hospital?!!  What happened?!!" he yelled almost burst my eardrum.

" Relax, dad. Nothing happened to me. On the way to the college I met a gentleman named Mark. His wife was in labour and his car broke down. so I helped him", I explained.

" That's my girl". A hint of proudness was in his voice.

" But dad she is in critical condition. Doctor said she had lost a great amount of blood".

"Do you know the blood type?"he asked.

" Yeah. O negative ", I said taking a glance at Marks direction. He was running his hands on his face.

" Can you arrange some blood dad?" I added.

" Yeah. I have a student. He is a blood donor  and he is O negative. I heard he is now in town.  I think I need to call him".

" Ok dad, then call him".

" Ok princess,  you stay there. I am calling him then coming", he said.

"Yeah. Pleas hurry up".

"Sure. By the way what about your graduation ceremony? "

" Actually that was delayed", I said in short.

" Oh,ok. I am coming. Be careful",he said cut off the call.

I went to Mark and sat beside him.

" Everything ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. Actually today was my graduation day and I..."
But he butted in my sentence.

"And you are here?  Oh my god. I am so sorry". He apologised.

" No Mark. Why are you sorry?  I helped you and besides my graduation ceremony was delayed ", I said smiling cheekily.

He the sighed in a relief.

"I think we should  take leave for searching bloods ", he said getting up.

Then I remembered to tell him the news.

" Mark", I called.
He hummed while searching something in his pocket.

" Maybe I got a donor".

He then looked up.

" My dad told me that he knows someone who has the same blood type as Lexis's. So the man willing to give blood to Lexis ", I half lied not wanting him worry.

He stared at me for a few seconds like wanting to ask something but then closed his mouth shaking his head.

We sat there for a while in silence.
And It's suffocating me.
Then I started conversation to know about him more.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Besides the city in the countryside". He said staring at me.

"That's so far from here", I said wondering.

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